- [ICE-7476] - DataTable: Live scrolling incompatible with lazy loading
- [ICE-9121] - FileEntryFormSubmit.processEvent() invoked too often.
- [ICE-9371] - All required styling examples don't work when running as portlets
- [ICE-9729] - ACE DataTable component - pinned columns blink while scrolling
- [ICE-9759] - ace:autoCompleteEntry fields can not be readonly
- [ICE-9937] - ace:splitPane scrollable attribute does not function consistently inside data table or repeat
- [ICE-9978] - internationalization tutorial server-side error (Mojarra 2.2.6 JSF specific)
- [ICE-10059] - showcase - ace:dateTimeEntry - Date Only demo failure (WAS 4.0)
- [ICE-10092] - ace:textAreaEntry, add missing style and styleClass attributes
- [ICE-10126] - mobi:scan ios issue with captureMessageLabel
- [ICE-10130] - ace:fileEntry - Error messages not displayed when using Servlet 3.0 multipart-config params
- [ICE-10136] - ace:dataTable - Table Nesting server-side error
- [ICE-10146] - ace:rowEditor - re-apply focus to row editor buttons after toggling edit mode
- [ICE-10156] - dateTimeEntry popup remains after dateSelect event
- [ICE-10182] - ace:tabPane - Selected tab always shows 'active' tooltip
- [ICE-10203] - ace:menuItem - Missing span after update of text
- [ICE-10213] - ace:videoPlayer fails when using Dynamic Byte array value test and ios device.
- [ICE-10216] - ace:autoCompleteEntry selectItems using label instead of value
- [ICE-10226] - ace:messages styleClass issue
- [ICE-10229] - ace:listControl - headerClass, footerClass attributes don't work
- [ICE-10233] - readonly attribute not functioning in ace:simpleSelectOneMenu
- [ICE-10235] - ace:gMap - Map not displaying with out setting its style
- [ICE-10236] - ace:listControl in ui:repeat failures
- [ICE-10240] - ace:dataTable - commandLinks not working in nested dataTable
- [ICE-10256] - TabSetProxy cannot find tabset using absolute id
- [ICE-10277] - ace:list failing attributes
- [ICE-10302] - Showcase ace:cellEditor alignment issue.
- [ICE-10312] - showcase - ace:draggable/droppable issue
- [ICE-10323] - ace:gMap - gMapEvent not called when used with gMapAutocomplete
- [ICE-10327] - Auction - ViewExpiredException popup displays instead of SessionExpired
- [ICE-10333] - ace:dataTable Column Header Ordering NPE
- [ICE-10335] - Mojarra 2.2.8 failures
- [ICE-10337] - ace:dataTable - multiple row selection styling issue
- [ICE-10338] - ace:dataTable - lower border is not visible in scrollable dataTable (IE and Chrome)
- [ICE-10341] - showcase ace:dataTable > Paginator issue when using Myfaces 2.2.5 libs.
- [ICE-10344] - ConcurrentModificationException when compat components are used with push or ace:fileEntry
- [ICE-10349] - showcase-mobile - Augmented Reality - captured locations overlapping
- [ICE-10354] - showcase-mobile - java.io.IOException: Broken pipe when uploading media files (WildFly8.1.0.Final, GlassFish4.1)
- [ICE-10359] - ace:sliderEntry - slider cursor cannot be moved smoothly in ajax "slide" event tests
- [ICE-10361] - ace:dataTable - dynamic changes to filter match mode not working
- [ICE-10362] - ace:dataTable - removing filter characters removes focus from the filter input component
- [ICE-10363] - mobi:geolocation disabled and rendered attributes not working
- [ICE-10364] - ace:checkboxButton styling issue
- [ICE-10365] - mobi:microphone and mobi:scan label issues with ios.
- [ICE-10367] - showcase - icecore:push performance issue (IE8/IE9, SSL config)
- [ICE-10371] - showcase ace:dataTable Click Events demo issue (IE9)
- [ICE-10373] - showcase - ace:dataTable "'JSON' is undefined" error (IE8)
- [ICE-10375] - showcase - ace:gMapServices JS errors (IE8, IE9)
- [ICE-10384] - icecore:push double submit issue with IE 11.
- [ICE-10386] - showcase issues with Myfaces 2.2.5 JSF
- [ICE-10392] - Portlet failing during navigation
- [ICE-10393] - ace:fileEntry failing in Liferay 6.2 and icefaces 4.0
- [ICE-10396] - Showcase: EL failure in navigation combo box
- [ICE-10397] - ace:dataTable - startRecord, endRecord, and totalRecords no longer supported in currentPageReportTemplate
- [ICE-10398] - ace:dateTimeEntry value rendering issue when ace:submitMonitor is used inside the same form.
- [ICE-10400] - ace:panel - disableInputs rendering incorrectly when used in ace:dialog
- [ICE-10404] - icecore:redirect demo 404 issue when redirected to demo page
- [ICE-10407] - ace:simpleSelectOneMenu - Validator not called
- [ICE-10408] - Showcase icecore:push demo does not stop or reset when navigating to another demo
- [ICE-10413] - Navigation issue using themeSelect demo then showcase search field
- [ICE-10414] - Showcase selectMenu > Overview styling issue
- [ICE-10417] - icecore:defaultAction doesn't submit form field values
- [ICE-10418] - showEffect="fade" on ace:tabSet prevents content display
- [ICE-10419] - mobi:fieldsetRow doesn't display child content
- [ICE-10421] - ace:autoCompleteEntry - valueChangeListener not called for first drop down item
- [ICE-10423] - icefaces.jar breaks html5 passthrough attributes for <h:inputText>
- [ICE-10425] - ace:dataTable - NumberFormatException thrown with multi select
- [ICE-10428] - ace:autoCompleteEntry XHTML Strict Compliance Issue
- [ICE-10430] - Components should only render "required" attribute into browser DOM if specified as HTML5 passthrough attribute
- [ICE-10431] - ace:rowEditor - Can't edit after changing rendered attribute
- [ICE-10432] - WindowScopeManager cannot get a scope when used as a plain webapp
- [ICE-10437] - faces-config files are not valid
- [ICE-10438] - Components restored in wrong order when using full state management
- [ICE-10444] - showcase - ace:contextMenu Delegate cost data formatting issue
- [ICE-10457] - ace:dataTable - Can't change comboBox cellEditor value with row selection
- [ICE-10458] - Showcase sample app TLD doc root URL is incorrect for the public docs
- [ICE-10467] - check components which have required attributes to ensure runtime exceptions do not occur
- [ICE-10470] - ace accordion inside dialog
- [ICE-10479] - IE8 crashing on JSF forward
- [ICE-10483] - ace:comboBox inside ace:tabSet styling issue
- [ICE-10485] - ace:dialog setFocus attribute and icecore:focusManager fail on selectMenu
- [ICE-10486] - ace:selectMenu button styling issues inside ace:tabSet
- [ICE-10489] - ace:tree - Node alignment issue
- [ICE-10498] - Showcase -> ace:confirmationDialog demo navigates to the original loaded page w/ MyFaces
- [ICE-10501] - showcase - ace:dataTable Dynamic Columns errors (MyFaces JSF)
- [ICE-10507] - ace:dataTable - Non-submitted row edits updated on stop editing call
- [ICE-10511] - mobi:dateSpinner and mobi:timeSpinner shouldn't submit automatically unless they have an ace:ajax tag
- [ICE-10514] - ace:tree - Can't drag and drop to empty node
- [ICE-10515] - JQMIGRATE warning "jQuery.browser is deprecated"
- [ICE-10516] - ace:submitMonitor - Delay showing modal layer
- [ICE-10518] - ace:submitMonitor - Issue with blockUIOnSubmit param
- [ICE-10521] - ace:gMap - Map location shifting after tabSet change
- [ICE-10524] - Problem with PartialStateSaving and component binding.
- [ICE-10528] - ace:gMap - unable to detect current browser location when inside ace:dialog (visible="false")
- [ICE-10529] - ace:dataTable - filter focus lost on update
- [ICE-10531] - ice.applyFocus not setting focus
- [ICE-10534] - showcase - message type ACE components - messages are not cleared from messages queue
- [ICE-10546] - Disable features that are not supported when using showcase-mobile in desktop browsers.
- [ICE-10551] - ace:dataTable - column reordering fails
- [ICE-10552] - ace:splitPane - Can't set height for panes
- [ICE-10555] - Push connection not running on multiple browser windows/sessions
- [ICE-10557] - Avoid pushID disposal on window close
- [ICE-10560] - Javascript deprecation warnings
- [ICE-10566] - ace:list - NullPointerException thrown when using a null value binding
- [ICE-10568] - Showcase ace:printer server error seen when using IE 11 and Wildfly 8.2.0/JBoss 7.1.1.Final/WebLogic10.3.6.0
- [ICE-10570] - Files upload issues (Jetty 9.2.9)
- [ICE-10576] - ace:gMapAutocomplete - Selecting a specific location gets reverted to Canada
- [ICE-10577] - ace:dataTable - Issues with filterEvent="enter"
- [ICE-10585] - ace:selectMenu - Menu item hover CSS very faint with Rime theme
- [ICE-10587] - icecore:idleMonitor should do null check before applying style
- [ICE-10589] - mobile-showcase file uploads fail when using SSL server config.
- [ICE-10591] - Showcase -> Font Awesome resource loading errors in server log with Liferay Portal portlets
- [ICE-10598] - showcase-portlet - ace:list errors
- [ICE-10599] - Showcase -> "WARNING: Cannot serialize session attribute org.icefaces.impl.application.WindowScopeManager" in logs
- [ICE-10605] - h:panelGroup / dataTable issue with Enter key press on IE 8
- [ICE-10608] - Samples should be using Servlet version="3.0"
- [ICE-10609] - Samples should be using Servlet version="3.0" (Follow-Up)
- [ICE-10610] - DateTimeEntry not clickable/submitting with renderAsPopup, min/max date, and time entry
- [ICE-10617] - ace:tableConfigPanel attribute "hideDisabledRows" doesn't work
- [ICE-10626] - ace:richTextEntry - office2013 and kama skins not working
- [ICE-10627] - ace:richTextEntry - saveOnSubmit=true not working well with ajax events
- [ICE-10632] - blockUIOnSubmit feature doesn't work when submit triggered by pushbutton
- [ICE-10635] - ace:notificationPanel effects not firing when server side
- [ICE-10641] - Cannot add the same component twice: javax_faces_location_HEAD
- [ICE-10654] - ace:dynamicResource - fileName and mimeType issues
- [ICE-10660] - ace:showcase gMap demos SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
- [ICE-10668] - ace:dataTable - filterEvent="enter" focus IE issue
- [ICE-10670] - showcase ace:dataTable Row State and Row/Cell Editing fail when DeltaSubmit=true
- [ICE-10676] - showcase ace:submitMonitor fails to submit more than once when deltaSubmit=true
- [ICE-10683] - ace:dataTable - paginator not resizing
- [ICE-10687] - icecore:config "blockUIOnSubmit" attribute regression test for ICE-10632 fails (IE7, IE8)
- [ICE-10689] - Logging triggers error in IE7/8 when main window re-focused
- [ICE-10703] - ace:maskedEntry focus problem when multiple components are used on page (Firefox, Chrome)
- [ICE-10705] - auctionMonitor - Push updates fail if more than one window is open
- [ICE-10706] - ace:fileEntry - Dynamic inclusion causing page refresh
- [ICE-10709] - ace:dataTable - Can't edit rows when in an ace:panelExpansion
- [ICE-10710] - Showcase - Setting mandatoryResourceConfiguration does not pre-load resources
- [ICE-10712] - Showcase favicon is missing
- [ICE-10714] - showcase ace:dataTable > Grouping header border style issue
- [ICE-10719] - showcase ace:comboBox > Filtering demo does not display special characters correctly
- [ICE-10720] - Toggling "rendered" doesn't work properly with multiple ace:submitMonitor components
- [ICE-10723] - ace:tree - setAllExpanded(true) doesn't expand all rows
- [ICE-10726] - ace:fileEntry - Incremental progress bar never appears
- [ICE-10727] - dataTable footer does not resize when rowEditor edit function is activated
- [ICE-10728] - showcase - ace:submitMonitor Facets demo - error popup
- [ICE-10729] - PropertyNotFoundException when dispose-window request issued before redirect
- [ICE-10730] - focus is lost on dataTable filter when using backspace key
- [ICE-10736] - ace:simpleSelectOneMenu fails validation for noSelectionOption even when required="false"
- [ICE-10741] - ace:expansionToggler keyboard activation issues
- [ICE-10742] - ace:cellEditor toggle button scrolls page down when activated w/ keyboard
- [ICE-10744] - showcase - demos that use ace:messages not clearing errors
- [ICE-10750] - Duplicate HTML <BR> tags being rendered during BODY element updates
- [ICE-10753] - CLONE - Push connection not running on multiple browser windows/sessions (IE11)
- [ICE-10761] - ace:tabSet - Active tab changes after clicking on commandButton
- [ICE-10773] - ace:tree - Drop listener not called for child nodes
- [ICE-10774] - ace:panel - Can't toggle after contents updated
- [ICE-10786] - ace:panelExpansion - expansion not working in multi-nested dataTables
- [ICE-10795] - ace:dateTimeEntry does not support locale for time slider
- [ICE-10796] - Server Exceptions when opening a New Window in IE 11
- [ICE-10798] - ace:dataTable, multiple requests fired when using the paginator via the keyboard
- [ICE-10805] - IllegalArgumentException: Illegal group reference
- [ICE-10838] - visible property on ace:dialog not implemented for server-side functionality
- [ICE-10841] - ace:dateTimeEntry - dynamic change of styleClass prevents popup from opening
- [ICE-10842] - ace:tree - Leaf nodes show incorrect icons for lazy loaded tree
- [ICE-10856] - ace:multiColumnSubmenu - headerClass and footerClass attributes not functional
- [ICE-10871] - Unreadable menu selections when using dark colored themes in showcase
- [ICE-10912] - ace:selectMenu, inField label is not restored when clearing the component
- [ICE-8476] - Upgrade WebMC sample application to ICEfaces 4
- [ICE-9269] - ace:autoCompleteEntry tutorial use textChangeListener
- [ICE-9981] - allow usage of html markup in mobi:dataViewColumn similar to h:outputText escape="false"
- [ICE-10002] - ace:progressBar - Add support for "indeterminate" mode
- [ICE-10055] - ace:column - Add new "sortWhenGrouping" boolean attribute to optionally support grouping without sorting
- [ICE-10076] - allow dataViewColumn to be non-sortable
- [ICE-10115] - Add a new "clear" mode to the ace:pushButton, ace:linkButton
- [ICE-10135] - ace:fileEntry - Callback handler submits before the JSF lifecycle starts
- [ICE-10145] - Add "fallback" facet support to MOBI BridgeIt Components
- [ICE-10147] - ace:tooltip - Add the capability to dynamically render a tooltip when used with a dataTable
- [ICE-10178] - ace:submenu - Add an action/actionListener or ajax event
- [ICE-10180] - icecore:config - Add lazyWindowScope attribute
- [ICE-10223] - ace:dataTable - Add a 'caption' attribute
- [ICE-10273] - modify build script for mobi components to use ace-generator.jar and remove duplicated source
- [ICE-10275] - ace:textAreaEntry - Add a 'readonly' and 'disabled' attribute
- [ICE-10279] - ace:submenu - Set width depending on contents
- [ICE-10313] - Support "order of precedence" when multiple ace:submitMonitors active concurrently.
- [ICE-10320] - autoCompleteEntry does not support objects as values with conversion
- [ICE-10347] - ace:gMap - Add support for multiple subcomponents
- [ICE-10390] - implement stacked bar series graph example in showcase application
- [ICE-10402] - ace:gMapEvent, add 'disabled' attribute
- [ICE-10416] - noSelectionOption doesn't work in ace:selectMenu, ace:comboBox, and ace:simpleSelectOneMenu components
- [ICE-10420] - Add "50%-split" positioning to mobi:fieldsetRow component
- [ICE-10422] - ace:dialog - Ajax close event not called on escape key press
- [ICE-10426] - ace:column - Add new "hideSortControls" attribute
- [ICE-10427] - ace:textEntry, ace:textAreaEntry - Add new "charCount" client event
- [ICE-10433] - Normalize component support for HTML5 Passthrough attributes
- [ICE-10435] - Add ACE Comp. Wiki Topic with additional guidance on Select components
- [ICE-10436] - icecore:idleMonitor - add ability to configure user events that are monitored for idleness
- [ICE-10445] - ace:column - Use keyboard to activate sort buttons
- [ICE-10446] - ace:dataTable - Add ability to filter Date values via a date picker/range
- [ICE-10464] - ace:gMap - Add an actionListener when a gMapEvent is triggered
- [ICE-10473] - Increase height of background image for active and hover states in Sam theme
- [ICE-10512] - Fluid layout in ace:selectMenu and ace:comboBox
- [ICE-10513] - ace:tree, remove dot in between nodes
- [ICE-10522] - mobi:camera - add "Cancel" button to the in-browser image-capture popup window
- [ICE-10537] - ace:dateTimeEntry - add new "minDateTime" and "maxDateTime" attributes
- [ICE-10548] - Showcase-mobile camcorder uploaded files should be cleaned up.
- [ICE-10567] - Add description to showcase-mobile Fetch Contact demo
- [ICE-10572] - Add more padding to ace:pushButton
- [ICE-10601] - icecore:focusManager - Allow focus to be set on Ajax updates
- [ICE-10621] - ace:simpleSelectOneMenu doesn't iterate over non-SelectItem lists
- [ICE-10623] - modify showcase example for ace:panel so once panel is closed a button appears to reopen
- [ICE-10625] - showcase - add mobi:onlineStatus to showcase mobile
- [ICE-10637] - add ability to detect if panel is open or closed to ace:panel js api
- [ICE-10661] - update namespaces for core and fn libraries that replace jstl namespaces and jar
- [ICE-10693] - ace:checkboxButton not selected when associated outputLabel is clicked
- [ICE-10694] - "label" attribute should render an HTML <label>
- [ICE-10695] - Make label/labelPosition consistent across components
- [ICE-10696] - Add "headerAlign" attribute to ace:panel
- [ICE-10707] - Showcase -> Add new ace:submitMonitor demos
- [ICE-10717] - ace:datatable needs selectall/deselectall javascript functionality
- [ICE-10721] - ACE components built-in label rendering should use <label> element.
- [ICE-10722] - ace:checkboxButton - add labelPosition attribute
- [ICE-10737] - ace:accordionPane - Should support navigation to accordionPane header via the keyboard
- [ICE-10740] - ace:dataTable Paginator buttons not keyboard navigable/focussable
- [ICE-10743] - ace:tableConfigPanel not keyboard navigable
- [ICE-10746] - mobi:camera - add image button support
- [ICE-10783] - Update the ICEfaces 4 included Mojarra JSF library to 2.2.12
- [ICE-10784] - Update the ICEfaces 4 included MyFaces JSF library to 2.2.8
- [ICE-10800] - ace:dataTable - add support for responsive column display
- [ICE-10811] - ace:dataTable add support for ranged filtering
- [ICE-10831] - include thumbail with imageButton for mobi:camera
- [ICE-10843] - Mitigate Apache commons-collections library zero-day exploit.
- [ICE-10849] - ace:dataTable - Add styling for hovering over a selected row
- [ICE-10855] - ace:showcase, add demo for ace:tree to show the Expand/Collapse All technique
- [ICE-10874] - Add demos to Showcase for 4.1 features and improvements
- [ICE-10877] - Add ability for ace:messages & ace:growlMessages components to only render messages for components in the current view
New Feature
- [ICE-5377] - Support for client-side validators for ACE and MOBI input components
- [ICE-8808] - Add robust "liveScroll" capability to ace:dataTable
- [ICE-9501] - ACE javascript components reseting when reset button pressed
- [ICE-10114] - Add "Clear" capability to ACE, MOBI components
- [ICE-10429] - New ace:theme component - Adds ability to set 'org.icefaces.ace.theme' at a page level
- [ICE-10638] - New ace:panelStack with custom tag-handler rendering optimization and client capabilities
- [ICE-10713] - New ace:radioButtons component
- [ICE-10716] - New ace:checkboxButtons component
- [ICE-10747] - Showcase - Add demos for new ace:panelStack component
- [ICE-10785] - Create new global client-side logging
- [ICE-10819] - New ace:clientValidateLength client-side validator
- [ICE-10820] - New ace:clientValidatePattern client-side validator
- [ICE-10821] - New ace:clientValidateMaxLength client-side validator
- [ICE-10822] - New ace:clientValidateRequired client-side validator
- [ICE-10823] - New ace:clientValidateDecimal client-side validator
- [ICE-10824] - New ace:clientValidateValueRange client-side validator
- [ICE-10825] - New ace:clientValidateMaxValue client-side validator
- [ICE-10827] - New ace:clientValidateEqualTo client-side validator
- [ICE-10403] - Remove deprecated xmlns:ice="http://www.icesoft.com/icefaces/component" from showcase
- [ICE-10406] - Create 'push storm' test application
- [ICE-10439] - ensure eclipse can open ICEfaces 4 as maven project.
- [ICE-10460] - ace:dataTable - deprecate IE7-specific attributes
- [ICE-10469] - remove unused classes in ICEfaces 4 core for compat component support
- [ICE-10691] - Remove public static void main(...) methods from ProductInfo classes
- [ICE-10733] - Remove remaining widgetVar attributes from ACE components
- [ICE-10892] - mobile-showcase mobi:dataView - adding a Text column renders duplicates
- [ICE-11150] - Create Wiki pages for ace:checkboxButtons and ace:radioButtons components
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