- [ICE-1130] - activated Menu doesn't cover outputConnectionStatus component
- [ICE-1555] - Attributes issue with ice:message
- [ICE-1631] - Exception deploying samples on JBoss 4.2.0 GA
- [ICE-2193] - PanelCollapsible actionListener fires twice when collapsing
- [ICE-2410] - occasional NullPointerException with WebMC on GlassFish
- [ICE-2493] - ICEfaces + Seam ApplicationException: not redirecting properly to error page
- [ICE-2499] - File upload component does not always show correct status
- [ICE-2500] - ice:selectInputDate doesn't allow for partialSubmit=false
- [ICE-2624] - Popup Calendar remains open if it isn't closed before navigate to another page
- [ICE-2758] - SelectInputDate uses unsafe method to match component id when processing the calendar button clicked event
- [ICE-2792] - Need to add disabled style class names to tld doc. of selectInputDate
- [ICE-2899] - "Save" icon does not work when two <ice:inputRichText /> components are present on two different tabs
- [ICE-2927] - selectInputDate "required" attribute not working
- [ICE-2990] - Seam exception redirecting not working with ICEFaces
- [ICE-2999] - Seam/ejb3 transaction synchronization issue with UploadServlet
- [ICE-3021] - Datatable: displaced table-header when headerRow is used in a scrollable table
- [ICE-3048] - InputFile servlet handler loses security context
- [ICE-3052] - Multiple custom charts on same page are duplicated
- [ICE-3053] - panelPositioned not working with Acegi configuration
- [ICE-3062] - value of inputRichText cannot be changed programmatically
- [ICE-3105] - Session expiry protocol needs enhancement
- [ICE-3123] - inputFile causing exception
- [ICE-3136] - column.rendered is not interpreted inside a headerRow element
- [ICE-3138] - User Session Expired popup displays under a modal popup
- [ICE-3142] - window.logger is null or not an object
- [ICE-3145] - using the ice:dataPaginator component in a Liferay portlet crashes IE6
- [ICE-3146] - ice:dataPaginator not rendered properly with xp-portlet.css
- [ICE-3153] - ice:selectOneRadio doesn't render the user defined javascript to the onclick attribute
- [ICE-3157] - Security Context is lost during Ajax Push
- [ICE-3158] - SelectItem disabled attribute does not get applied to selectManyListbox
- [ICE-3166] - Component-showcase facelets-enh not working on Weblogic 9.2
- [ICE-3186] - auto navigate on session-timeout does not work
- [ICE-3187] - File upload fails randomly
- [ICE-3196] - Using ice:menuBar inside panelPopup causes submenu items to appear on the end of the page
- [ICE-3198] - rich input text in component-showcase doesn't load properly in IE
- [ICE-3202] - ice:panelCollapsible breaks application behaviour when multiple portlet instances are used
- [ICE-3205] - <html>, <head>, <body> create multiple components
- [ICE-3207] - WebMC file uploads failing
- [ICE-3216] - REGRESSION: menubar does not behave as expected when displayOnClick="true"
- [ICE-3218] - REGRESSION: connectionLostRedirectURI no longer works in 1.7.1
- [ICE-3219] - the scrollbar for scrollable dataTable does not render properly in Firefox 3
- [ICE-3223] - Only on firefox 3, the height of the scrollable dataTable can't be limited.
- [ICE-3229] - Bridge cannot dispose of multiple views within a single window (portlets).
- [ICE-3235] - inputFile missing final render
- [ICE-3239] - Missing "collapsed" images for ice:tree in XP and Royale themes
- [ICE-3242] - server-side update not pushed to client
- [ICE-3252] - com.icesoft.faces.compressResources false is still compressing script files
- [ICE-3255] - REGRESSION: changing theme causes renderedOnUserRole to not work properly
- [ICE-3268] - Session timeout combined with manual logout can cause deadlock
- [ICE-3273] - User Session Expired when having two apps in one EAR
- [ICE-3277] - CSS attributes appear to get lost when navigating a portlet in IE.
- [ICE-3283] - DataPaginator should work with any UISeries component
- [ICE-3286] - IDE requires default values to be assigned to the meta-data
- [ICE-3291] - PanelPopup effect attribute does not work
- [ICE-3293] - Seam - NPE and no facesMessage for fileupload component on upload of empty file
- [ICE-3304] - Javascript Errors when inputRichText is used in a panelPopup
- [ICE-3306] - MaximumSeverity is not reset
- [ICE-3311] - menuPopup only disappears when a menu item is selected
- [ICE-3313] - Concurrent Modification Exception with many pushes in portlet environment
- [ICE-3320] - MenuBar displayOnClick breaks page
- [ICE-3326] - Network Connection Interrupted Dialog box appears when clicking a "Submit" button on a form.
- [ICE-3328] - PartialSubmit does not work with Spring WebFlow 2.0.2
- [ICE-3330] - "Connection Interrupted" message displayed when navigating to a different page with Firefox
- [ICE-3331] - Duplicate components rendered in Liferay Portal
- [ICE-3332] - error-page declaration in web.xml doesn't work for specific exception types
- [ICE-3335] - Visible property for commandButton not working in IE
- [ICE-3347] - Regression: The effects are not working on the outputText component.
- [ICE-3354] - ICEfaces components are unresponsive on IE after interaction with outputMedia/Flash component
- [ICE-3373] - jsf 12 baseline "dir" "lang" attributes for text base comp
- [ICE-3376] - Should set display: none on hidden fields div
- [ICE-3379] - ice:dataTable: headerClass attribute doesn't work
- [ICE-3380] - PanelSeriesRenderer accesses beyond specified rows
- [ICE-3385] - ice:menuBar: different styles are not applied
- [ICE-3390] - Menu style components get rendered underneath portlet containers
- [ICE-3395] - fileupload throws IllegalStateException for seam-comp-showcase-1.7.1 and jboss-4.2.3.GA
- [ICE-3396] - ClassCastException on portlet redeployment
- [ICE-3414] - Javascript error when portlets are added to page
- [ICE-3416] - The content of <script> tags are being wrapped by <span> tags.
- [ICE-3417] - formattedSelectedValue is accessed without checking if its value is null
- [ICE-3421] - xp-portlet.css missing text-align styling for ice:outputText
- [ICE-3423] - IE6 memory leak caused by ice:panelPopup
- [ICE-3424] - ICEfaces 1.7.1 not compatible with JSF version 1.2_09
- [ICE-3426] - ice:panelDivider: wrong positioning of vertical divider
- [ICE-3427] - Navigation to a page with white space in URI throws error
- [ICE-3428] - outputConnectionStatus not showing proper status on redirect
- [ICE-3432] - PartialSubmit does not occur when the ice:outputLabel's "for" attribute corresponds to a drop down component
- [ICE-3440] - RowSelector deselection needlessly accessing all rows
- [ICE-3444] - Back/Forward navigation does not work with Spring Web Flow 2.0.3
- [ICE-3446] - ice:commandSortHeader ascending and descending icons are backwards for all themes
- [ICE-3464] - InputRichText: LostFocus-Event/PartialSubmit failes.
- [ICE-3465] - Seam s:decorate tags with jboss-4.2.3.GA create incorrect html markup
- [ICE-3467] - ILOG JavaScript loading
- [ICE-3468] - Nested panelTabSets inherit parent styling
- [ICE-3469] - CSS images are not being cached when using IE 6
- [ICE-3470] - Use of javascript: protocol in href attribute of an anchor tag causes IE to stop working
- [ICE-3477] - Regression: <html> lang attribute can not be changed dynamically
- [ICE-3479] - Regression: CSS stylesheets not updated properly when 'head' element is modified - navigation not working
- [ICE-3488] - Possible null value in group set of GroupAsyncRenderer
- [ICE-3491] - The com.icesoft.faces.openAjaxHub parameter cannot be set using true/false
- [ICE-3502] - navigation rule: redirect from forwarded page doesn't work
- [ICE-3507] - NullPointerException being thrown in BridgeFacesContext.getMessages
- [ICE-3525] - metadata updated with baseline
- [ICE-3526] - Selection input components have left margin off by 2px in ICEfaces themes
- [ICE-3528] - InputTextarea, inputSecret, selectInputText improperly handling boolean passthrough attributes
- [ICE-3529] - focus of input component is lost when tabbing through page and using ice:message next to fields
- [ICE-3530] - rows attribute in component 'selectInputText' not considered
- [ICE-3531] - inputRichText saves data inconsistently on saveOnSubmit
- [ICE-3532] - Ajax Push not working with Seam on JBoss 4.2.3
- [ICE-3534] - SelectInputText component gives a Javascript error after typing a character
- [ICE-3537] - Component-showcase facelets-enh not working on OC4J 10.1.3
- [ICE-3567] - Spring Web Flow commandLinks redirect to start of flow
- [ICE-3568] - Component Showcase, JSP version text overlaps connectionStatus
- [ICE-3570] - Theme padding issue with iceInpTxt and iceInpTxt-dis
- [ICE-3577] - Server Push not working with Seam and JSF1.2-09
- [ICE-3582] - Seam MultipartFilter interferes with UploadServer
- [ICE-3592] - support isUserInRole with springsecurity
- [ICE-3593] - inputFile causes setAttribute/removeAttribute to throw NPE
- [ICE-3609] - Regression: The "Location" portlets demo no longer updates the Map portlet consistently.
- [ICE-3611] - RE: The selectInputText component doesn't get focus after visiting the richInputText component
- [ICE-3634] - dataPaginator broken when in page fragment
- [ICE-3650] - Tabbing out of selectInputDate text box does not throw validation error when required=true
- [ICE-3949] - Link to DataScrollingModel.java in Component Showcase demo is incorrect.
- [ICE-1198] - RFE: SelectInputDate should have a popupStyleClass
- [ICE-1875] - Cursor inside the components does not change to Wait when request is pending
- [ICE-1931] - More efficient outputText mode
- [ICE-2320] - an attribute needs to be added on the selectInputDate component, to change the title of input text field.
- [ICE-2605] - Switch Liferay portlet configuration files from .xml to .properties
- [ICE-2884] - connectionLostRedirectURI only works in combination with outputConnectionStatus
- [ICE-3016] - Specify bridge dialog messages in a resource file on the server
- [ICE-3159] - Add "nospan" attribute to ice:outputText component
- [ICE-3162] - Autodetect BEA WebLogic to determine the JMS properties to be used (follow-up)
- [ICE-3185] - Update icefaces-facelets for JBoss Seam 2.0.3.CR1 and JBoss 5
- [ICE-3210] - Revert back to Send Updated Views when adapting to AHS fails
- [ICE-3213] - Reduce the amount of exceptions/messages when AHS is deployed to an application server without JMS configuration
- [ICE-3217] - Improved performance of MenuBar on IE6
- [ICE-3237] - Constrain inputFile progress events
- [ICE-3254] - Render hourglass pointer when using status component
- [ICE-3266] - Provide a client side bridge API to dispose of a view
- [ICE-3276] - Add Spanish language resource files for ICEfaces and Sample Apps.
- [ICE-3288] - Only GET requests can create new sessions
- [ICE-3300] - Framework algorithm improvements in passThroughAttribute and DOMSerialization areas
- [ICE-3341] - Expose RenderManager's thread pool and related parameters so that they can be configured
- [ICE-3344] - javascript call pooling
- [ICE-3381] - Add a resizableColumnWidths attribute to dataTable for mimacom.
- [ICE-3386] - outputConnection status and Bridge do not support Internationalization
- [ICE-3398] - When double clicking on s:link component get ClientAbort Exception
- [ICE-3407] - update seam-gen templates
- [ICE-3409] - Detect servlet environment at web application startup
- [ICE-3433] - Add a style for the sorted header (datatable)
- [ICE-3482] - MenuRenderer redundantly calling getValue()
- [ICE-4032] - Add maxlength attribute to selectInputDate
New Feature
- [ICE-2348] - New outputResource component
- [ICE-2356] - Allow facelet applications using jsf1.2 implementation to deploy to J2EE AS like Tomcat 5.5
- [ICE-2418] - netbeans6: nbfacelets framework support
- [ICE-2810] - provide file download component
- [ICE-3106] - New sessionExpiredRedirectURI context parameter
- [ICE-3232] - Support redirect on session expiry via ICEfaces bridge configuration
- [ICE-3312] - DOM update logging
- [ICE-3542] - netbeans 6.1: 1.7.2 integration
- [ICE-3353] - ICEfaces message format
- [ICE-3489] - Update the Sun JSF 1.2 runtime libraries to most recent version (JSF1.2_09)
- [ICE-3825] - Woodstock application porting example
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