Type: Improvement
Status: Closed
Priority: Trivial
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.7.1
Fix Version/s: 1.7.2
Component/s: ICE-Components
Environment:java 5
ICEsoft Forum Reference:
Affects:Documentation (User Guide, Ref. Guide, etc.)
It is quite difficult to set another color for the header of the sorted column in a datatable.
I attach an example.
I attach an example.
Patch for TableRenderer against current SVN trunk.
This add a CSS class to TH elements of sorted column. I named this class "iceDatTblActvColHdr" but you will certainly find a better name...
This works for commandSortHeader as a column header facet and also for commandSortHeader as a child of a column in a columnGroup. I hope i've not forgotten a case.
Is there a chance that this will be applied in the next release ?