- [ICE-6812] - panelPopup autoCenter mispositions menuPopup within a panelTooltip
- [ICE-9569] - ace:dataTable - Sorting/Filtering Issues When Swapping Data
- [ICE-9578] - showcase - ace:dataTable Server Internal Error popup when columns are reordered via Table Config (PartialStateSavings=false, MyFaces specific)
- [ICE-9729] - ACE DataTable component - pinned columns blink while scrolling
- [ICE-9751] - ability for tooltip to work when require.js is present
- [ICE-9759] - ace:autoCompleteEntry fields can not be readonly
- [ICE-9907] - ace:dialog - Focus is not set to first input on opening of dialog
- [ICE-10037] - ace:printer does not display chart data
- [ICE-10049] - Showcase ice:inputRichText Save on Submit is not functioning.
- [ICE-10053] - autoCompleteEntry IE9 select list retracts before making selection.
- [ICE-10059] - showcase - ace:dateTimeEntry - Date Only demo failure (WAS 4.0)
- [ICE-10069] - showcase - ice:graphicImage demo cannot be accessed (WebLogic12.1.2.1/
- [ICE-10072] - Showcase, IE9, Wildfly 8.0.0 server error: "java.io.IOException: UT 000029: Channel was closed mid chunk"
- [ICE-10074] - Showcase ace:dataTable - Table Config demo does not save sorted state with Myfaces libs.
- [ICE-10088] - blockUIOnSubmit - IE displays Are you sure you want to leave? message on redirect navigation
- [ICE-10093] - ace:tabSet dynamicAttribute test fails if using <icecore:singleSubmit/> tag
- [ICE-10095] - ACE TabSet renders unnecessary tabindex on container div
- [ICE-10096] - ace:dataTable - Issue with lazy loading and request scope
- [ICE-10099] - ace:dialog - setFocus not working when using client side show/hide methods
- [ICE-10112] - ace:autoCompleteEntry - tabindex attribute is not functional
- [ICE-10113] - icecore:refresh tag TLD missing "duration" attribute
- [ICE-10116] - icecore:navigationNotifier issues on IE, Firefox
- [ICE-10122] - ace:dataTable - Scrollbar shown when table items is less than the scroll height
- [ICE-10130] - ace:fileEntry - Error messages not displayed when using Servlet 3.0 multipart-config params
- [ICE-10146] - ace:rowEditor - re-apply focus to row editor buttons after toggling edit mode
- [ICE-10155] - Backslashes not being converted properly in DOM diffs
- [ICE-10156] - dateTimeEntry popup remains after dateSelect event
- [ICE-10157] - ice:inputText - Field not updated when value has changed
- [ICE-10169] - icecore:singleSubmit - Action listeners called twice
- [ICE-10174] - ICEMobile showcase - Random Errors
- [ICE-10182] - ace:tabPane - Selected tab always shows 'active' tooltip
- [ICE-10187] - showcase - ace:comboBox - options selection fails when using keyboard arrow keys (IE11)
- [ICE-10203] - ace:menuItem - Missing span after update of text
- [ICE-10207] - Google Maps not showing the map controls
- [ICE-10224] - ace:dataTable - Hover CSS not cleared from row
- [ICE-10226] - ace:messages styleClass issue
- [ICE-10233] - readonly attribute not functioning in ace:simpleSelectOneMenu
- [ICE-10235] - ace:gMap - Map not displaying with out setting its style
- [ICE-10236] - ace:listControl in ui:repeat failures
- [ICE-10240] - ace:dataTable - commandLinks not working in nested dataTable
- [ICE-10246] - ace:gMap - Setting the options attribute had no effect on the rendered map
- [ICE-10250] - NPE in WindowScopeManager
- [ICE-10256] - TabSetProxy cannot find tabset using absolute id
- [ICE-10257] - @WindowDisposed - ViewScoped bean constructor called on redirect
- [ICE-10284] - ace:submitMonitor - Modal layer not removed with multiple monitors
- [ICE-10288] - New window focus is lost in IE
- [ICE-10302] - Showcase ace:cellEditor alignment issue.
- [ICE-10305] - ice:panelCollapsible - Expanded panel sets inline padding
- [ICE-10323] - ace:gMap - gMapEvent not called when used with gMapAutocomplete
- [ICE-10338] - ace:dataTable - lower border is not visible in scrollable dataTable (IE and Chrome)
- [ICE-10344] - ConcurrentModificationException when compat components are used with push or ace:fileEntry
- [ICE-10359] - ace:sliderEntry - slider cursor cannot be moved smoothly in ajax "slide" event tests
- [ICE-10361] - ace:dataTable - dynamic changes to filter match mode not working
- [ICE-10373] - showcase - ace:dataTable "'JSON' is undefined" error (IE8)
- [ICE-10384] - icecore:push double submit issue with IE 11.
- [ICE-10395] - ace:dataTable - pagination is reset on row selection inside composite comp.
- [ICE-10397] - ace:dataTable - startRecord, endRecord, and totalRecords no longer supported in currentPageReportTemplate
- [ICE-10400] - ace:panel - disableInputs rendering incorrectly when used in ace:dialog
- [ICE-10407] - ace:simpleSelectOneMenu - Validator not called
- [ICE-10409] - Push connection active in Firefox with lazyPush=true
- [ICE-10411] - Incorrect lazyWindowScope default behavior
- [ICE-10412] - Component-showcase Google Maps missing controls
- [ICE-10424] - ace:dialog - Tab focus "escapes" modal ace:dialog in Chrome
- [ICE-10425] - ace:dataTable - NumberFormatException thrown with multi select
- [ICE-10431] - ace:rowEditor - Can't edit after changing rendered attribute
- [ICE-10454] - Stack overflow script error thrown after closing IE8 browser window
- [ICE-10456] - ace:comboBox - Converter not used when displaying initial value
- [ICE-10457] - ace:dataTable - Can't change comboBox cellEditor value with row selection
- [ICE-10462] - Multiple Window Scope bean instances created on browser refresh
- [ICE-10463] - icecore:singleSubmit - Issue with ICE select components
- [ICE-10467] - check components which have required attributes to ensure runtime exceptions do not occur
- [ICE-10470] - ace accordion inside dialog
- [ICE-10479] - IE8 crashing on JSF forward
- [ICE-10486] - ace:selectMenu button styling issues inside ace:tabSet
- [ICE-10489] - ace:tree - Node alignment issue
- [ICE-10496] - showcase gMap info windows demo persists text between infoWindows.
- [ICE-10507] - ace:dataTable - Non-submitted row edits updated on stop editing call
- [ICE-10514] - ace:tree - Can't drag and drop to empty node
- [ICE-10516] - ace:submitMonitor - Delay showing modal layer
- [ICE-10518] - ace:submitMonitor - Issue with blockUIOnSubmit param
- [ICE-10519] - ice:outputConnectionStatus - Caution state not being changed
- [ICE-10521] - ace:gMap - Map location shifting after tabSet change
- [ICE-10524] - Problem with PartialStateSaving and component binding.
- [ICE-10528] - ace:gMap - unable to detect current browser location when inside ace:dialog (visible="false")
- [ICE-10529] - ace:dataTable - filter focus lost on update
- [ICE-10531] - ice.applyFocus not setting focus
- [ICE-10551] - ace:dataTable - column reordering fails
- [ICE-10555] - Push connection not running on multiple browser windows/sessions
- [ICE-10563] - ice:inputText - Vaue Change Event fired when typing an umlaut in Firefox
- [ICE-10566] - ace:list - NullPointerException thrown when using a null value binding
- [ICE-10568] - Showcase ace:printer server error seen when using IE 11 and Wildfly 8.2.0/JBoss 7.1.1.Final/WebLogic10.3.6.0
- [ICE-10576] - ace:gMapAutocomplete - Selecting a specific location gets reverted to Canada
- [ICE-10577] - ace:dataTable - Issues with filterEvent="enter"
- [ICE-10585] - ace:selectMenu - Menu item hover CSS very faint with Rime theme
- [ICE-10602] - DOMRenderKit addRenderer warning displayed on server start
- [ICE-10622] - IE11 specific issues with samples/compat/component-showcase
- [ICE-10627] - ace:richTextEntry - saveOnSubmit=true not working well with ajax events
- [ICE-10629] - ace:themeSelect - Additional themes not showing in Weblogic 12c
- [ICE-10632] - blockUIOnSubmit feature doesn't work when submit triggered by pushbutton
- [ICE-10644] - ace:contextMenu inside ice:dataTable fails to update more than first row.
- [ICE-10645] - SSL showcase testing - server-side error
- [ICE-10646] - ice:panelTooltip - Issues with draggable=true
- [ICE-10649] - ace:contextMenu, ace:menu and ace:menuBar IE7 rendering issues.
- [ICE-10650] - showcase ace:dataTable > MultiRow Header style issue with IE 7
- [ICE-10651] - showcase ace:printer demo fails with IE 7
- [ICE-10652] - showcase ice:panelPopup close panel control in wrong position with IE 7
- [ICE-10653] - Can not navigate to showcase demos from link menu (WebLogic WAS
- [ICE-10655] - component-showcase fails when using javax.faces.PARTIAL_STATE_SAVING=false
- [ICE-10659] - component-showcase Collapsible Panel form failure
- [ICE-10660] - ace:showcase gMap demos SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
- [ICE-10665] - component-showcase Autocomplete selection list fails with arrow keys on IE11
- [ICE-10666] - component showcase media demo issue with IE 11
- [ICE-10667] - Server warning seen in glassfish with sample apps
- [ICE-10668] - ace:dataTable - filterEvent="enter" focus IE issue
- [ICE-10669] - showcase - ace:fileEntry upload failure (JBoss EAP 6.3.0)
- [ICE-10670] - showcase ace:dataTable Row State and Row/Cell Editing fail when DeltaSubmit=true
- [ICE-10676] - showcase ace:submitMonitor fails to submit more than once when deltaSubmit=true
- [ICE-10677] - showcase ace:dateTimeEntry > Time Entry demo fails in IE7/8 when deltaSubmit=true
- [ICE-10678] - showcase-portlet - ace:autoCompleteEntry server error
- [ICE-10685] - icecore:navigationNotifier fails in IE11
- [ICE-10687] - icecore:config "blockUIOnSubmit" attribute regression test for ICE-10632 fails (IE7, IE8)
- [ICE-10689] - Logging triggers error in IE7/8 when main window re-focused
- [ICE-10698] - showcase - ace:autoCompleteEntry Indicator Text issue (MyFaces JSF)
- [ICE-10055] - ace:column - Add new "sortWhenGrouping" boolean attribute to optionally support grouping without sorting
- [ICE-10135] - ace:fileEntry - Callback handler submits before the JSF lifecycle starts
- [ICE-10147] - ace:tooltip - Add the capability to dynamically render a tooltip when used with a dataTable
- [ICE-10163] - ace:submitMonitor - Enable monitor for use with ace:fileEntry
- [ICE-10178] - ace:submenu - Add an action/actionListener or ajax event
- [ICE-10180] - icecore:config - Add lazyWindowScope attribute
- [ICE-10206] - ace:menuBar - Add a maxHeight attribute
- [ICE-10223] - ace:dataTable - Add a 'caption' attribute
- [ICE-10260] - ace:dialog - Add new "none" value for "setFocus" attribute
- [ICE-10275] - ace:textAreaEntry - Add a 'readonly' and 'disabled' attribute
- [ICE-10279] - ace:submenu - Set width depending on contents
- [ICE-10320] - autoCompleteEntry does not support objects as values with conversion
- [ICE-10347] - ace:gMap - Add support for multiple subcomponents
- [ICE-10388] - Add icecore:idleMonitor to the 3.3.x maintenance branch
- [ICE-10391] - Subdue noisy logging for icepush when browser window is closed before response returns to view
- [ICE-10401] - Increase windowScopeExpiration default to greater than 1000 millis
- [ICE-10402] - ace:gMapEvent, add 'disabled' attribute
- [ICE-10422] - ace:dialog - Ajax close event not called on escape key press
- [ICE-10426] - ace:column - Add new "hideSortControls" attribute
- [ICE-10427] - ace:textEntry, ace:textAreaEntry - Add new "charCount" client event
- [ICE-10445] - ace:column - Use keyboard to activate sort buttons
- [ICE-10464] - ace:gMap - Add an actionListener when a gMapEvent is triggered
- [ICE-10473] - Increase height of background image for active and hover states in Sam theme
- [ICE-10601] - icecore:focusManager - Allow focus to be set on Ajax updates
- [ICE-10623] - modify showcase example for ace:panel so once panel is closed a button appears to reopen
New Feature
- [ICE-10168] - icecore:focusManager - Add focusManager to 3.x code base
- [ICE-10406] - Create 'push storm' test application
- [ICE-10490] - Update Mojarra and MyFaces JSF runtime libraries to latest releases for EE 3.3.GA_P03
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