Release Notes - ICEfaces - Version EE-3.3.0.GA_P05 - HTML format


  • [ICE-9636] - ace:confirmationDialog opens underneath modal ace:dialog blocking DIV
  • [ICE-10101] - ace:chart - Mixing a LINE and BAR chart type causes the BAR chart data to shift
  • [ICE-10179] - ace:tooltip - showDelay issues when using ace:delegate
  • [ICE-10525] - Session expires on page load with strictSessionTimeout=true and timeout -1
  • [ICE-10976] - icecore:idleMonitor - Modal background shown when using modal ace:dialog
  • [ICE-10980] - JSF h:selectOneListbox, h:selectOneMenu components not escaping HTML text in labels
  • [ICE-11097] - ace:dataTable - tooltip not displayed after editing table cell values
  • [ICE-11112] - ace:dataTable - Scrollable table alignment issue when used in an ace:panelExpansion
  • [ICE-11121] - ace:accordionPane - Header loses style when title changed dynamically
  • [ICE-11127] - ace:menuBar - Updating label of menu causes menuBar to lose style and functionality
  • [ICE-11135] - ace:dataTable - LazyDataModel load() method called multiple times
  • [ICE-11136] - ace:menu - Updating label of submenu causes menu to lose style and functionality
  • [ICE-11137] - ace:contextMenu - Updating label of submenu causes contextMenu to lose style and functionality
  • [ICE-11140] - ace:gMap - Google Maps API warning: SensorNotRequired
  • [ICE-11141] - ace:dataTable - NumberFormatException: For input string: ""
  • [ICE-11145] - ace:dialog - modal layer shown infront of dialog with custom CSS applied on page
  • [ICE-11151] - showcase - ice:dataPaginator Server Internal Error (Mojarra 2.2 JSF)
  • [ICE-11152] - poll - Server Internal Error when using Mojarra 2.2 JSF
  • [ICE-11163] - ace:dataTable, allow multiple row deselection with Shift + Click
  • [ICE-11165] - ace:dateTimeEntry - Date not shown when setting value outside of component
  • [ICE-11186] - ace:tree - IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown when dragging a node to the root
  • [ICE-11192] - CLONE - ace:dataTable - Table Nesting server-side error
  • [ICE-11200] - ace:submitMontor - Network Error label not shown in Firefox
  • [ICE-11202] - Errors when using Safari Private browsing mode
  • [ICE-11204] - ace:linkButton - onclick not being passed through
  • [ICE-11210] - NullPointerException thrown DOMPartialViewContext
  • [ICE-11220] - WindowScope memory leak with JBoss EAP 6.4
  • [ICE-11223] - ace:dataTable - ace:checkboxButtons triggering row selection
  • [ICE-11224] - Hover CSS not removed on ACE menu components in IE
  • [ICE-11228] - ace:submitMonitor - Monitor blocking button click
  • [ICE-11231] - ace:dataTable - Columns resize state is lost on sorting
  • [ICE-11232] - CLONE - ace:dataTable - Table Nesting server-side error
  • [ICE-11236] - ace:submitMonitor with BlockUI=@Source overlay issue
  • [ICE-11239] - ace:tabSet - tabPane with ace:dataTable being instantiated when not shown
  • [ICE-11240] - CLONE - WindowScope memory leak with JBoss EAP 6.4 backport
  • [ICE-11254] - ace:fileEntry - Script error 'Cannot read property javax.faces.ViewState of null' thrown
  • [ICE-11255] - ace:fileEntry - Performance issues after uploading files
  • [ICE-11278] - "[STUCK] ExecuteThread: at org.icefaces.util.FocusController.getReceivedFocus(
  • [ICE-11288] - Unnecessary beans created when using @WindowDisposed with @ViewScoped Beans
  • [ICE-11293] - ace:dateTimeEntry - Converter not called once component is unrendered
  • [ICE-11302] - ace:dataTable - Column grouping not applied to other pages
  • [ICE-11316] - ice:selectInputText - Options drop down list issue in IE11 / Edge
  • [ICE-11322] - gMap issues - Google maps no longer supports IE 8 and 9
  • [ICE-11323] - ace:dateTimeEntry - dateTextChange event not fired after changing style
  • [ICE-11327] - ace:dataTable, double request when deleting the last character in a filter text field
  • [ICE-11332] - Replay navigation on reload separately for each window
  • [ICE-11339] - Server warning on every request with glassfish 4.1.2
  • [ICE-11356] - Myfaces specific - Diff propagated to root but no ID set [html: null] server error
  • [ICE-11357] - showcase ice:gmap outdated KML locations need to be removed
  • [ICE-11358] - EE-3.3.0 compat, compat-basic and ice:selectInputDate JSF 2.2 specific issues
  • [ICE-11359] - Showcase ice:dataTable > Column widths demo - Server internal error occurs


  • [ICE-10880] - ace:dataTable, optimize data loading in lazy mode
  • [ICE-10935] - ace:dateTimeEntry - Add ability to define multiple ranges of min/max dates
  • [ICE-11049] - ace:fileEntry - Add browser level title tooltip for input field in IE
  • [ICE-11173] - ace:list - Add filtering and sorting capabilities
  • [ICE-11190] - ace:tree - Cancel drag and drop via esc key
  • [ICE-11208] - ace:tooltip, ace:contextMenu, Add support for defining multiple targets to the same component
  • [ICE-11233] - ace:dataTable - Support growing table width to when user resizes columns
  • [ICE-11289] - allow filterBy attribute to contain multiple values within <ace:column/>

New Feature

  • [ICE-11144] - Support for JSF 2.2 on ICEfaces 3
  • [ICE-11207] - New ace:listExporter component for exporting ace:list data
  • [ICE-11286] - New ace:drawerPanel component

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