Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: EE-3.3.0.GA_P03, EE-4.1.0.GA
Fix Version/s: 4.2.BETA, 4.2, EE-3.3.0.GA_P05
Component/s: ACE-Components
Environment:Chrome (Customer reports issue in Chrome, Firefox, and IE11)
Assignee Priority:P1
Support Case References:Support Case #13819 -
If a scrollable ace:dataTable is placed in an ace:panelExpansion and the table that has the expansion is also a scrollable ace:dataTable, the columns of the table in the expansion are not aligned correctly.
In my testing I can only see this issue in Chrome but the customer is reporting this in Chrome, Firefox, and IE11.
If the scrollable values are removed from the parent table the inner table aligns correctly.
In my testing I can only see this issue in Chrome but the customer is reporting this in Chrome, Firefox, and IE11.
If the scrollable values are removed from the parent table the inner table aligns correctly.
- Case13819Example3.war
- 9.86 MB
- Arran Mccullough
- META-INF/context.xml 0.1 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/.../support/ExpItem.class 0.8 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/com/.../support/Item.class 2 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/.../support/TestBean.class 1 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces-ace.jar 6.18 MB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces.jar 693 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/javax.faces-2.2.13.jar 2.99 MB
- WEB-INF/web.xml 2 kB
- index.xhtml 0.5 kB
- welcomeICEfaces.xhtml 2 kB
- 21 kB
- Arran Mccullough
- Case13819Example3/build.xml 3 kB
- Case13819Example3/.../ant-deploy.xml 2 kB
- Case13819Example3/.../build-impl.xml 80 kB
- Case13819Example3/.../ 0.5 kB
- Case13819Example3/.../ 0.6 kB
- Case13819Example3/nbproject/.../private.xml 0.3 kB
- Case13819Example3/.../ 4 kB
- Case13819Example3/nbproject/project.xml 0.9 kB
- Case13819Example3/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF 0.0 kB
- Case13819Example3/src/.../ 0.7 kB
- Case13819Example3/src/.../support/ 1 kB
- Case13819Example3/src/.../ 0.7 kB
- Case13819Example3/web/index.xhtml 0.5 kB
- Case13819Example3/web/.../context.xml 0.1 kB
- Case13819Example3/web/WEB-INF/web.xml 2 kB
- Case13819Example3/.../welcomeICEfaces.xhtml 2 kB
- All
- Comments
- History
- Activity
- Remote Attachments
- Subversion
Attached test case to reproduce the issue.
- Load welcomeICEfaces.jsf
- Expand one of the rows. The inner table is displayed with the columns not aligned.
Arran Mccullough
added a comment - Attached test case to reproduce the issue.
Load welcomeICEfaces.jsf
Expand one of the rows. The inner table is displayed with the columns not aligned.
Committed fix to the 4.0 trunk at revision 49133 and to the 3.3 EE maintenance branch at revision 49134.
The problem was that the dynamically calculated column widths of the outer table were being applied to the columns of the inner tables. So, the fix consisted of adding more specificity to the dynamically generated CSS rules to make sure that these dynamically calculated column widths aren't applied to inner tables' columns.
Arturo Zambrano
added a comment - Committed fix to the 4.0 trunk at revision 49133 and to the 3.3 EE maintenance branch at revision 49134.
The problem was that the dynamically calculated column widths of the outer table were being applied to the columns of the inner tables. So, the fix consisted of adding more specificity to the dynamically generated CSS rules to make sure that these dynamically calculated column widths aren't applied to inner tables' columns.
Verified ICEfaces 4 trunk, ee-3.3.0 maintenance branch r49141. Tomcat 8, IE edge, 11, 10, 8, 7, FF 47, Chrome 52, using attached test app as well as QA dataTable and showcase regression tests.
Liana Munroe
added a comment - Verified ICEfaces 4 trunk, ee-3.3.0 maintenance branch r49141. Tomcat 8, IE edge, 11, 10, 8, 7, FF 47, Chrome 52, using attached test app as well as QA dataTable and showcase regression tests.
Another issue is that the contents of the first row of the inner table are shifted to the left compared to the other rows contents.