Release Notes - ICEfaces - Version 1.8DR#1 - HTML format


  • [ICE-794] - tutorial builds use our svn directory paths for lib references
  • [ICE-1627] - Revisit how views are reused in single/multi view mode
  • [ICE-3368] - Synchronized Parser can hold up the entire application
  • [ICE-3455] - UIXhtmlComponent.xmlAttributes is not Serializable
  • [ICE-3471] - Firefox does not render table header style on th elements unless table body has a corresponding td element
  • [ICE-3536] - Spring Web Flow forced login redirects page to ajax request
  • [ICE-3576] - Failing to rollback cursor state properly
  • [ICE-3590] - Request bound beans are not re-created on page reload
  • [ICE-3593] - inputFile causes setAttribute/removeAttribute to throw NPE
  • [ICE-3627] - h:inputText with valueChangeListener or tabindex attributes


  • [ICE-3321] - Create a outputText and inputText component that uses ResponseWriter instead of DOMContext
  • [ICE-3345] - optimize UIXhtmlComponent id
  • [ICE-3346] - Pass-through Attribute Optimization and Rationalization
  • [ICE-3349] - Shorten id suffixes
  • [ICE-3351] - Memory: certain tag objects and string objects representing XHTML tags are unnecessarily repeated
  • [ICE-3365] - syntax highlighting in component-showcase source
  • [ICE-3387] - serialize DOM directly to writer
  • [ICE-3389] - Memory: Intern generated ids
  • [ICE-3393] - Eliminate unnecessary UIComponent.getChildren() calls
  • [ICE-3402] - optimize dispatcher memory usage
  • [ICE-3408] - server-side DOM compression
  • [ICE-3410] - Memory: instances of DOMContext need to be cleared after the response
  • [ICE-3441] - Memory: EL strings need to be pooled/reused in JSP
  • [ICE-3473] - scrollable dataTable requires styleclasses for header and body tables
  • [ICE-3549] - Have standardRequestScope turned on when Seam is detected

New Feature

  • [ICE-3475] - Create a new portlet sample called Location

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