  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-9420

ACE Component ThemeRoller theme compliance issues


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 3.3
    • Fix Version/s: 4.0.BETA, 4.0
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      ICEfaces 3.x, ACE components
    • Assignee Priority:
    • Affects:


      Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

      Per-Component Issues:

      X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

      X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
      X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
      X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
          - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
      X incorrect selected row styling / color?
          - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

      X close X button incorrectly styled

      ace:menu (s)
      X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
         - left as is, none of wijmo samples show borders in hover/highlight items; trying to change that causes all items in default state to have borders as well, making menus not look appealing
      X missing popup shadows
         - added drop shadow to flyout submenus in ace:menu, ace:menuBar, ace:contextMenu (including root menu) and ace:menuButton (including root menu)

      ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
      X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
         - looks fine to me
      X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
         - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

      X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

      X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
          - fixed by jqui css backport

      X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
         - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

      X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
         - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

      X Missing list highlight rounded borders

      X Incorrect label font styling
         - looks fine to me
      X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
         - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
      X Missing mouse hover styling
         - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

      X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
         - added drop shadow rule
      X Incorrect tooltip text styling
         - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

      X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
         - item with rounded corners doesn't look good floating in a tree with no other rounded corners
         - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
         - would need to increase padding


        Ken Fyten created issue -
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Summary ACE ThemeRoller theme compliance issues ACE Component ThemeRoller theme compliance issues
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Assignee [ ]
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        - Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        - close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        - missing hover/highlight borders
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        - Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        - Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        - close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        - missing hover/highlight borders
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        - Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Affects Compatibility/Configuration [ 10002 ]
        Assignee Priority P2 [ 10011 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Assignee [ ] Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ]
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Assignee Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ] Nils Lundquist [ nils.lundquist ]
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Assignee Priority P2 [ 10011 ] P1 [ 10010 ]
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        - Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        - close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        - missing hover/highlight borders
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        - Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        / row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        / row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        / row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        / row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        / Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        / Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        / Missing list highlight rounded borders
          - not every list item should have rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        / Missing list highlight rounded borders
          - not every list item should have rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - item with rounded corners doesn't look good floating in a tree with no other rounded corners
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Arturo Zambrano made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - item with rounded corners doesn't look good floating in a tree with no other rounded corners
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
           - left as is, none of wijmo samples show borders in hover/highlight items; trying to change that causes all items in default state to have borders as well, making menus not look appealing
        X missing popup shadows
           - added drop shadow to flyout submenus in ace:menu, ace:menuBar, ace:contextMenu (including root menu) and ace:menuButton (including root menu)

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - item with rounded corners doesn't look good floating in a tree with no other rounded corners
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s 4.0 [ 11382 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]


          • Assignee:
            Nils Lundquist
            Ken Fyten
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


            • Created: