  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-9420

ACE Component ThemeRoller theme compliance issues


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 3.3
    • Fix Version/s: 4.0.BETA, 4.0
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      ICEfaces 3.x, ACE components
    • Assignee Priority:
    • Affects:


      Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

      Per-Component Issues:

      X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

      X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
      X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
      X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
          - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
      X incorrect selected row styling / color?
          - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

      X close X button incorrectly styled

      ace:menu (s)
      X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
         - left as is, none of wijmo samples show borders in hover/highlight items; trying to change that causes all items in default state to have borders as well, making menus not look appealing
      X missing popup shadows
         - added drop shadow to flyout submenus in ace:menu, ace:menuBar, ace:contextMenu (including root menu) and ace:menuButton (including root menu)

      ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
      X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
         - looks fine to me
      X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
         - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

      X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

      X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
          - fixed by jqui css backport

      X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
         - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

      X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
         - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

      X Missing list highlight rounded borders

      X Incorrect label font styling
         - looks fine to me
      X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
         - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
      X Missing mouse hover styling
         - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

      X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
         - added drop shadow rule
      X Incorrect tooltip text styling
         - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

      X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
         - item with rounded corners doesn't look good floating in a tree with no other rounded corners
         - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
         - would need to increase padding


        Ken Fyten created issue -
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Summary ACE ThemeRoller theme compliance issues ACE Component ThemeRoller theme compliance issues
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Assignee [ ]
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        - Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        - close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        - missing hover/highlight borders
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        - Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        - Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        - close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        - missing hover/highlight borders
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        - Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Affects Compatibility/Configuration [ 10002 ]
        Assignee Priority P2 [ 10011 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Assignee [ ] Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ]
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Assignee Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ] Nils Lundquist [ nils.lundquist ]
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Assignee Priority P2 [ 10011 ] P1 [ 10010 ]
        Chris Hesse added a comment - - edited

        I was asking for help in the forum on this, but no answers...

        All of the CSS/Theme issues mentioned are due to the fact that the resource-dependency.xml includes the theme roller themes in 3.3 (did not in 3.2), and it makes the CSS files load out of order.

        Isn't this an ordering issue? The reason that the same theme, downloaded from themeroller (say cupertino), does NOT have the issues identified here, is because it is NOT in the dependency-xml, and therefore "theme.css" from a custom theme "wins" as it is loaded last. The built in themes are higher up the chain and therefore show all of these issues. I hope I'm not being a burden, I'm just trying to be of help. Is there a reason why this isn't the root cause of all of these issues?

        Chris Hesse added a comment - - edited I was asking for help in the forum on this, but no answers... All of the CSS/Theme issues mentioned are due to the fact that the resource-dependency.xml includes the theme roller themes in 3.3 (did not in 3.2), and it makes the CSS files load out of order. Isn't this an ordering issue? The reason that the same theme, downloaded from themeroller (say cupertino), does NOT have the issues identified here, is because it is NOT in the dependency-xml, and therefore "theme.css" from a custom theme "wins" as it is loaded last. The built in themes are higher up the chain and therefore show all of these issues. I hope I'm not being a burden, I'm just trying to be of help. Is there a reason why this isn't the root cause of all of these issues?
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #36978 Tue Jul 16 15:56:27 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Removed accordion border hiding and extraneous positioning rules.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/jquery/ui/jquery-ui.css
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #36999 Wed Jul 17 13:26:09 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Ensure theme css dynamically merged after compile-time merged base css.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/META-INCLUDE/resource-dependency.xml
        Nils Lundquist added a comment - - edited

        Accordion bottom header fixed:
        Revision #36978
        Committed by nils.lundquist
        Yesterday 3:56 PM
        ICE-9420 - Removed accordion border hiding and extraneous positioning rules.

        Base CSS ordering fixed:
        Revision #36999
        Committed by nils.lundquist
        4 minutes ago
        ICE-9420 - Ensure theme css dynamically merged after compile-time merged base css.

        • resolves accordion border issue
        • resolves dialog button themeing issue
        • add menu highlight borders
        Nils Lundquist added a comment - - edited Accordion bottom header fixed: Revision #36978 Committed by nils.lundquist Yesterday 3:56 PM ICE-9420 - Removed accordion border hiding and extraneous positioning rules. Base CSS ordering fixed: Revision #36999 Committed by nils.lundquist 4 minutes ago ICE-9420 - Ensure theme css dynamically merged after compile-time merged base css. resolves accordion border issue resolves dialog button themeing issue add menu highlight borders
        Nils Lundquist added a comment -

        Revision #37000
        Committed by nils.lundquist
        Moments ago
        ICE-9420 - Fixed ace:tableConfigPanel cell backgrounds

        Nils Lundquist added a comment - Revision #37000 Committed by nils.lundquist Moments ago ICE-9420 - Fixed ace:tableConfigPanel cell backgrounds
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        - Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        - close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        - missing hover/highlight borders
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        - Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37000 Wed Jul 17 13:42:36 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Fixed ace:tableConfigPanel cell backgrounds
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/tableconfigpanel/tableconfigpanel.css
        Nils Lundquist added a comment -
        Nils Lundquist added a comment - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all? must maintain borders to maintain alignment during hover / selection unavoidable issue with borders is due to collapsed table borders
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        - row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        / row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        / row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        - Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        / row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist added a comment - - edited
        • Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        • scrollable footer has no rounded corners. removing rounded corners from paginator and non-scrollable footer for consistency.

        Revision #37006
        Committed by nils.lundquist
        Moments ago
        ICE-9420 - Removed datatable rounded corners. (Paginator or when head or footer are defined with a facet)

        Nils Lundquist added a comment - - edited Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer. scrollable footer has no rounded corners. removing rounded corners from paginator and non-scrollable footer for consistency. Revision #37006 Committed by nils.lundquist Moments ago ICE-9420 - Removed datatable rounded corners. (Paginator or when head or footer are defined with a facet)
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37006 Wed Jul 17 16:14:54 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Removed datatable rounded corners.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/datatable/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/datatable/
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37018 Thu Jul 18 14:26:47 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Removed jquery-css dependencies.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/accordion/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/resources/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/gmap/
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        / row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37019 Thu Jul 18 14:27:44 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Add 'double' row style to hack overlapping highlighted row state borders.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/datatable/datatable.css
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        - Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
        - incorrect selected row styling / color?

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        - missing popup shadows

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling, incorrect popup list font styling (size)

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37023 Thu Jul 18 15:25:28 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Backported JQUI style fix from JQUI 10.1.3
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/jquery/ui/jquery-ui.css
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37028 Thu Jul 18 16:29:38 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Relayout of ace:panel header buttons.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/panel/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/panel/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/panel/panel.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/templates/content-template.xhtml
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        - showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        - incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        - menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37038 Mon Jul 22 10:39:11 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Improved panel styling: Improved spacing and alignment, improved button layout, added missing borders. Removed showcase specific and unessecary style hacks.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/ice.samples.showcase/demo_template.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/panel/panel.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase-portlet/src/main/webapp/resources/ice.samples.showcase/demo_template.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/ice.samples.showcase/showcase_styles.css
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        - Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        / Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        / Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        / Missing list highlight rounded borders
          - not every list item should have rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37043 Mon Jul 22 15:24:06 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Added jquery-ui.css as independantly loaded resource.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/panel/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/META-INCLUDE/resource-dependency.xml
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/templates/main-template.xhtml
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/build.xml
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/resources-meta/resource-dependency.xml
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37045 Mon Jul 22 16:27:56 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Redesigned ace:selectMenu. Removed inline style. Removed theme specific styling. Adds JQUI classes to add borders / backgrounds to expected locations. Removed JQUI classes adding unexpected border and backgrounds.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph ADD /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/selectmenu/selectmenu.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/selectmenu/selectmenu.js
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/themes/sam/theme.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/selectmenu/
        Cruz Miraback added a comment - - edited

        ICEfaces3/trunk revision# 37049
        ConfirmationDialog: The component is taking up space within the body of the page when it is rendered, and the styling is incorrect (last known working revision is 37033).

        Cruz Miraback added a comment - - edited ICEfaces3/trunk revision# 37049 ConfirmationDialog: The component is taking up space within the body of the page when it is rendered, and the styling is incorrect (last known working revision is 37033).
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37060 Tue Jul 23 14:47:56 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Redesigned ace:selectMenu button.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/examples/ace/selectmenu/selectMenuOverview.xhtml
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/selectmenu/selectmenu.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/selectmenu/selectmenu.js
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/selectmenu/
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37061 Tue Jul 23 15:05:21 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Added DataTable mandatory resource back to main-template.xhtml
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/templates/main-template.xhtml
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        / Missing list highlight rounded borders
          - not every list item should have rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Ken Fyten added a comment -

        New regression failure reported on showcase with rvn#37217:

        showcase (Firefox21):
        selectMenu > Required Styling:
        Changing the colours of the required/optional fields has no effect. They remain as the default colours regardless of what is selected.

        Ken Fyten added a comment - New regression failure reported on showcase with rvn#37217: showcase (Firefox21): selectMenu > Required Styling: Changing the colours of the required/optional fields has no effect. They remain as the default colours regardless of what is selected.
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        - Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        - Incorrect label font styling
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        - Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        - Incorrect hover/highlight styling (?)
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37269 Mon Jul 29 15:29:47 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Fixed ace:tabset double borders. Added hover styling.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/tabset/tabset.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/yui/2_8_2/tabview/tabview.js
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37272 Mon Jul 29 15:55:48 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - QTip font size no longer defined by QTip theme.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/samples/showcase/showcase/src/main/webapp/resources/ice.samples.showcase/demo_template.css
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/tooltip/jquery.qtip-2.0.0.css
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        - Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        - Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37273 Mon Jul 29 16:05:09 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Added tooltip drop shadow rule
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/tooltip/jquery.qtip-2.0.0.css
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        - Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - item with rounded corners doesn't look good floating in a tree with no other rounded corners
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Nils Lundquist added a comment -

        regression resolved - missing space character in style class rendering

        Nils Lundquist added a comment - regression resolved - missing space character in style class rendering
        Nils Lundquist added a comment -

        All style issue addressed.

        Nils Lundquist added a comment - All style issue addressed.
        Nils Lundquist made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37274 Mon Jul 29 16:20:31 MDT 2013 nils.lundquist ICE-9420 - Added missing space character in SelectMenuRenderer
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/selectmenu/
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37379 Tue Aug 13 09:58:53 MDT 2013 art.zambrano ICE-9420 added drop shadow to flyout submenus in ace:menu, ace:menuBar, ace:contextMenu (including root menu) and ace:menuButton (including root menu)
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/wijmo/wijmo.js
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/menu/menu.js
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/wijmo/wijmo.css
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #37380 Tue Aug 13 10:01:26 MDT 2013 art.zambrano ICE-9420 added drop shadow to flyout submenus in ace:menu, ace:menuBar, ace:contextMenu (including root menu) and ace:menuButton (including root menu)
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/resources/icefaces.ace/wijmo/readme.txt
        Arturo Zambrano made changes -
        Description Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
        X missing popup shadows
           - art is pursuing

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - item with rounded corners doesn't look good floating in a tree with no other rounded corners
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Many of the ACE components do not adhere completely to the ThemeRoller theme standards. This JIRA is to clean-up any straggler issues that remain.

        Per-Component Issues:

        X Missing bottom header border ("Smoothness")

        X row selection either missing top border or shouldn't have borders at all?
        X Missing rounded borders on header, but they are there on footer.
        X Col Grouping doesn't use themeroller styles for group summary rows
            - app controlled - no appropriate theme roller style
        X incorrect selected row styling / color?
            - in comparison to primefaces - pf is wrong

        X close X button incorrectly styled

        ace:menu (s)
        X missing hover/highlight borders (?)
           - left as is, none of wijmo samples show borders in hover/highlight items; trying to change that causes all items in default state to have borders as well, making menus not look appealing
        X missing popup shadows
           - added drop shadow to flyout submenus in ace:menu, ace:menuBar, ace:contextMenu (including root menu) and ace:menuButton (including root menu)

        ace:autoCompleteEntry / ace:comboBox
        X Incorrect hover/highlight styling
           - looks fine to me
        X incorrect popup list font styling (size)
           - both are font-size 13px - difference is an illusion

        X Not using themeroller background styling for body of panel.

        X showcase Overview, header is too tall vs. popup which is correct.
            - fixed by jqui css backport

        X incorrect row/element default styling, selection styling
           - same styling as table, recommended classes from JQUI

        X menu icon has incorrect padding on right/left side ("south-street")
           - fixed by removing showcase specific style hacks

        X Missing list highlight rounded borders

        X Incorrect label font styling
           - looks fine to me
        X Incorrect bottom border on selected tab (shouldn't have one)
           - this is a change in JQUI 1.9 - we need to upgrade
        X Missing mouse hover styling
           - was removed from component as optimization? YUI / JQUI normally have hover eventing

        X Incorrect tooltip border styling/shadowing
           - added drop shadow rule
        X Incorrect tooltip text styling
           - font-size was defined by tooltip theme, now inherited

        X Incorrect none-rounded highlight/selected styling
           - item with rounded corners doesn't look good floating in a tree with no other rounded corners
           - tiny items like this don't look good with rounded corners
           - would need to increase padding
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s 4.0 [ 11382 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]


          • Assignee:
            Nils Lundquist
            Ken Fyten
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


            • Created: