- [ICE-9895] - ICEfaces mobi components not working inside nested ace:dataTables
- [ICE-10544] - Hide or disable Image Dimension feature when using mobi:camera in desktop browsers.
- [ICE-10590] - showcase-portlet - tabSet Proxy fails
- [ICE-10614] - showcase - camcorder NullPointerException (JBoss EAP 6.3.0)
- [ICE-10629] - ace:themeSelect - Additional themes not showing in Weblogic 12c
- [ICE-10704] - icecore:navigationNotifier server error on IE11 when browser console opened
- [ICE-10793] - ace:dataTable - cannot edit sub-rows on Row Expansion Test page
- [ICE-10810] - NullPointerException from EnvUtils.isJSF22
- [ICE-10813] - Network Connection Interrupted popup shown on JavaScript error
- [ICE-10834] - ace:dialog w/ ace:panelStack inside closes spontaneously
- [ICE-10839] - ace:fileEntry - max file size messages not shown when using <multipart-config> settings
- [ICE-10848] - ace:confirmationDialog - 'Hide' button renders the component before hiding it
- [ICE-10853] - ace:dialog effect not shown when closing using the visible property (server-side)
- [ICE-10876] - mobi:dateTimeSpinner validation fails in showcase
- [ICE-10882] - mobi:dateSpinner - yearStart and yearEnd attributes not used when input element is used (onblur) rather than widget
- [ICE-10885] - ace:selectMenu - Selection lost after changing list options
- [ICE-10893] - ace:tooltip id is changed when form is updated
- [ICE-10894] - ACE Client Validators are incompatible with ace:tabSet
- [ICE-10905] - showcase - ace:draggableDroppable Chrome styling issue (Chrome47)
- [ICE-10916] - showcase - ace:dateTimeEntry ajax submits fail (deltaSubmit=true)
- [ICE-10917] - showcase - ace:submitMonitor browser console error
- [ICE-10924] - ace:fileEntry inside an ace:tabSet causes a content rendering issue.
- [ICE-10936] - NPE being thrown when navigating
- [ICE-10940] - ace:gMapMarker, can't use info windows and events when using address attribute
- [ICE-10941] - ace:autoCompleteEntry fails to render cursor if clicking on the text of an inField label.
- [ICE-10942] - ace:menu right-click trigger event fails
- [ICE-10943] - ace:pushButton submit issue after form "clear" (MyFaces JSF)
- [ICE-10950] - showcase-portlet - Component titles not properly displayed
- [ICE-10955] - showcase-portlet - browser console errors
- [ICE-10961] - showcase Search field styling issue
- [ICE-10962] - showcase-portlet ace:tree demos NotSerializableException warnings
- [ICE-10964] - ace:pushButton and ace:linkButton type=clear issue with ace:textEntry using inField label and pre-loaded value.
- [ICE-10966] - ace:dataTable - Paginator displays incorrectly when used in an ace:dialog
- [ICE-10970] - z-index issue when using ace:sliderEntry and ace:dateTimeEntry
- [ICE-10971] - HTTP Status 500 - Session has expired - if increasing session-timeout to larger values
- [ICE-10972] - required Attribute not functioning with ace:radioButtons component
- [ICE-10974] - showcase - Mobi component errors w/ coalesce-resources=true
- [ICE-10979] - ace:gMap - JavaScript error thrown when setting a certain height
- [ICE-10983] - ace:checkboxButtons server-side warnings
- [ICE-10991] - Javascript error when no client validators are defined
- [ICE-10994] - showcase - required indicator text cannot be edited (diffConfig='att')
- [ICE-10996] - create UINamingContainerMeta and use it for ace:panelStack
- [ICE-11006] - mobi:flipswitch fails to update when using non-ace:ajax to submit
- [ICE-11010] - Pressing home/end or arrow keys in text fields triggers pagination
- [ICE-11019] - Showcase rendering 2016 instead of demo content (WAS
- [ICE-11025] - ViewExpiredException popup on session expiry
- [ICE-11026] - ace:panelStack renders extra stackPane when using myfaces libs in QA application
- [ICE-11027] - ace:selectMenu "tabindex" attribute not working
- [ICE-11030] - showcase-portlet server warnings and errors
- [ICE-11043] - CLONE - showcase-portlet server warnings and errors
- [ICE-10205] - ace:menu/menuBar - add a showDelay functionality
- [ICE-10453] - ace:selectMenu - add "showListOnInput" attribute
- [ICE-10468] - ace:tree - Add ability to get relavant node objects for different events
- [ICE-10642] - ace:dataTable - Accesskey Support
- [ICE-10643] - ace:tabSet - Add keyboard navigation support
- [ICE-10735] - Add "accesskey" attribute support to all eligible ACE components.
- [ICE-10757] - Add a sessionTimeoutRedirectURI parameter
- [ICE-10809] - ace:dataTable - Add new "enhMultiple" selection mode
- [ICE-10826] - ace:submitMonitor - Add support for displaying error messages asynchronously
- [ICE-10850] - Global console logging - Add ability to select all logs
- [ICE-10851] - Global console logging - Add ability to send the logs to a file on the system
- [ICE-10854] - ace:gMapMarker - Add ability to set marker with just an address
- [ICE-10878] - ace:dataTable - Add a fast forward and fast rewind buttons for pagination
- [ICE-10884] - Add meta tag to Global logging page
- [ICE-10897] - Support for Client-side Validators with "immediate=true" during ace:ajax submits
- [ICE-10899] - Add a new "reset" mode to the ace:pushButton, ace:linkButton
- [ICE-10918] - ace:dateTimeEntry "Now" button should honor timeZone attribute
- [ICE-10960] - Improve styleClass attribute functionality for ace:pushButton
- [ICE-10975] - icecore:focusManager - Support setting focus to buttons and links
- [ICE-10977] - Allow ace:radioButton(s) to take a null value
- [ICE-10987] - ace:dataExporter - add support for the encoding attribute
- [ICE-10998] - 'ice.window', 'ice.view' parameters vulnerable to JS injection attack
- [ICE-11009] - Render 'style' attribute on main element instead of root container
- [ICE-11014] - ace:textEntry, replace input element when setting it to type="password"
- [ICE-11016] - ensure mobile input components comply with ICEfaces 4 standard ajax submit
- [ICE-11017] - Update CKEditor to version 4.5.8 to support MS Edge Browser
New Feature
- [ICE-10129] - Add the capability to dynamically change the lang attribute of an <html> tag.
- [ICE-10898] - Add "Reset" capability to ACE, MOBI components
- [ICE-10992] - Introduce context parameter for disabling request for updates on page load
- [ICE-10947] - Update to Mojarra JSF 2.2.13 and MyFaces JSF 2.2.9
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