Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 4.1.1
Fix Version/s: EE-4.1.0.RC1, EE-4.1.0.GA, 4.2.BETA, 4.2
Component/s: ACE-Components, Sample Apps
Environment:ICEfaces 4 trunk r.48553
Server: tomcat7
Browser: IE8, FF3.6/41, Chrome49
JSF: Mojarra 2.2.13
Assignee Priority:P1
Affects:Documentation (User Guide, Ref. Guide, etc.)
showcase with diffConfig='att' context parameter:
TextEntry, TextAreaEntry, AutoCompleteEntry, ComboBox > Indicator Text: once the validation ace:message's are rendered on page, the required indicator text can no longer be updated in the h:inputText required text, and therefore on the ACE input component. (diffConfig='att' specific) . If not using the diffConfig='att' the required text can be updated by blurring the h:inputText, and the tests pass.
- disable, then re-enable the 'Required' checkbox -> validation messages are rendered on page.
- enter new text for Required Indicator Text, and press 'Tab' or 'Enter' key -> the required text fails to update on page when either blurring the "Required Indicator Text", or when pressing the "Enter" key.
TextEntry, TextAreaEntry, AutoCompleteEntry, ComboBox > Indicator Text: once the validation ace:message's are rendered on page, the required indicator text can no longer be updated in the h:inputText required text, and therefore on the ACE input component. (diffConfig='att' specific) . If not using the diffConfig='att' the required text can be updated by blurring the h:inputText, and the tests pass.
- disable, then re-enable the 'Required' checkbox -> validation messages are rendered on page.
- enter new text for Required Indicator Text, and press 'Tab' or 'Enter' key -> the required text fails to update on page when either blurring the "Required Indicator Text", or when pressing the "Enter" key.
I can reproduce the issue only with IE8. Chrome and FF have the same behaviour after setting the org.icefaces.diffConfig parameter to true.