New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 3.3
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Push Library
Affects:Documentation (User Guide, Ref. Guide, etc.), Sample App./Tutorial
As part of PUSH-221, we wanted to be able to programmatically register a user to receive Cloud push notifications using SMS. Currently we don't have an "official" mechanism for doing this. Right now, it appears that the application developer has to manually obtain pushIds from cookies and then submit them to the PushGroupManager but this is unwieldy and looks like it might be somewhat fragile in that it exposes too many internals.
Given a sample use case:
to an ICEsoft phone number. This is convenient because we can
create a link for them that pre-fills the message with
the browser ID
the SMS
Ted's initial suggestion about how it might work using just the browser id:
At that point we want to call something like this, because we
have the notifyBackURI, which is sms:phonenumber
public void park(final String pushId, final NotifyBackURI notifyBackURI)
{ parkedPushIDs.put(pushId, notifyBackURI); }So, we should look at how difficult it would be to add more support
for browserID. Maybe the ability to registerCloudPushId would be
a good place to start (even if we just kept a table of browserID/pushID
we could iterate through them and park them all).