New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 3.3
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Push Library
Affects:Documentation (User Guide, Ref. Guide, etc.), Sample App./Tutorial
As part of PUSH-221, we wanted to be able to programmatically register a user to receive Cloud push notifications using SMS. Currently we don't have an "official" mechanism for doing this. Right now, it appears that the application developer has to manually obtain pushIds from cookies and then submit them to the PushGroupManager but this is unwieldy and looks like it might be somewhat fragile in that it exposes too many internals.
Changed target to EE-4.1.0.GA for now.
After discussion this is deemed to be an edge case. We should keep an eye on this one though as eventually we might want/need it for both ICEfaces-EE and BridgeIt. Therefore I'll keep this one on my list.