Type: Bug
Status: Closed
Priority: Major
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 3.0.RC1
Component/s: ACE-Components
Environment:ICEfaces 2 ACE MyFaces 2
Assignee Priority:P1
I'm seeing the following warnings logged when running the ContextMenu example of the ACE Comp Suite when using MyFaces:
WARNING: Unsupported component-family/renderer-type: org.icefaces.ace.component.Menu/javax.faces.Button
4-Nov-2011 11:05:25 AM org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.HtmlRenderKitImpl getRenderer
4-Nov-2011 11:05:25 AM javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase getRenderer
WARNING: No Renderer found for component {Component-Path : [Class: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /showcase.xhtml][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlBody,Id: _2068169349_6d256d7f][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: j_id1952249420_2dcf46b5][Class: org.icefaces.ace.component.contextmenu.ContextMenu,Id: j_id1952249420_2dcf46ab][Class: org.icefaces.ace.component.menuitem.MenuItem,Id: _1952249420_2dcf4681]} (component-family=org.icefaces.ace.component.Menu, renderer-type=javax.faces.Button) created from: /resources/examples/ace/contextMenu/contextMenu.xhtml at line 47 and column 73
WARNING: Unsupported component-family/renderer-type: org.icefaces.ace.component.Menu/javax.faces.Button
4-Nov-2011 11:05:25 AM org.apache.myfaces.renderkit.html.HtmlRenderKitImpl getRenderer
4-Nov-2011 11:05:25 AM javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase getRenderer
WARNING: No Renderer found for component {Component-Path : [Class: javax.faces.component.UIViewRoot,ViewId: /showcase.xhtml][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlBody,Id: _2068169349_6d256d7f][Class: javax.faces.component.html.HtmlForm,Id: j_id1952249420_2dcf46b5][Class: org.icefaces.ace.component.contextmenu.ContextMenu,Id: j_id1952249420_2dcf46ab][Class: org.icefaces.ace.component.menuitem.MenuItem,Id: _1952249420_2dcf4681]} (component-family=org.icefaces.ace.component.Menu, renderer-type=javax.faces.Button) created from: /resources/examples/ace/contextMenu/contextMenu.xhtml at line 47 and column 73
I thought this might be caused by an empty renderer type. For example the MenuItemBase that is built by our generator.
public class MenuItemBase extends javax.faces.component.UICommand{
public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "org.icefaces.ace.component.MenuItem";
public static final String RENDERER_TYPE = "";
I consulted the component team as to whether this should be an empty string or something else (like null). Mark said he thought it should be null so I tried adjusting the ComponentArtifact.startComponentClass method to check for empty Strings and use null in those situations:
writer.append("\n\tpublic static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = \""+ component.componentType() + "\";");
{ rendererType = null; }String rendererType = component.rendererType();
if( null != rendererType ){
if("null".equals(rendererType.trim()) || "".equals(rendererType.trim()))
{ rendererType = "\"" + rendererType + "\""; }}
That didn't appear to help so I created this JIRA to capture the issue. Because it's a warning and because it appears not to interfere with functionality as near as I could tell, the priority is not high.
Assigning to Ken for component team assignment.