  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-10975

icecore:focusManager - Support setting focus to buttons and links



      The icecore:focusManager tag only supports setting focus to components that are an instance of UIInput. This request is to see if support for buttons and links can be added so that on load of a page, a button or link can receive focus.

      Testing the following code:
                  <icecore:focusManager for="buttonTwo">
                      <ace:pushButton id="buttonOne" value="Button One"/>
                      <ace:pushButton id="buttonTwo" value="Button Two"/>
                      <ace:pushButton id="buttonThree" value="Button Three"/>
      Shows the following warning: The "for" attribute points to a component that is not an instance of UIInput


        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #48508 Thu Mar 10 12:33:50 MST 2016 mircea.toma ICE-10975 Add focus support for ace:radioButtons and ace:checkboxButtons.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/radiobuttons/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/checkboxbuttons/
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #48504 Wed Mar 09 18:42:43 MST 2016 mircea.toma ICE-10975 Assign ID to the element that needs to be focus, but do it programmatically to avoid interfering with the DOM updates.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/pushbutton/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/linkbutton/
        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #48496 Tue Mar 08 04:45:06 MST 2016 mircea.toma ICE-10975 Implemented Focusable functionality for push and link buttons.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/linkbutton/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/pushbutton/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/pushbutton/
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/linkbutton/


          • Assignee:
            Mircea Toma
            Arran Mccullough
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue


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