  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-10735

Add "accesskey" attribute support to all eligible ACE components.


    • Type: Improvement Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: EE-4.1.0.RC1, EE-4.1.0.GA, 4.2.BETA, 4.2
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      ICEfaces 4.1, focusable ACE components.
    • Assignee Priority:


      As of ICEfaces 4.0, the ACE components have very limited support for the XHTML "accesskey" attribute.

      In a web browser, accesskey allows a user to immediately jump (set focus) to a specific element on a web page via a keyboard-shortcut.

      As of ICEfaces 4.0, the following ACE components support accesskey:
      - autoCompleteEntry
      - comboBox
      - maskedEntry
      - simpleSelectOneMenu
      - textEntry
      - themeSelect

      In ICEfaces 3 ace:checkboxButton, ace:pushButton, ace:radioButton, and ace:linkButton also supported accesskey, however, their support was lost when certain "unsupported" HTML passthrough attributes were removed from their TLDs in 4.0.

      This JIRA is to add support for the "accesskey" attribute to the following additional ACE components:
      - accordionPane (focus on toggle button)
      - audioPlayer (focus on audio element, actual keyboard support varies by browser)
      - breadcrumbMenu (focus on menu/first focussable element)
      - cellEditor (focus on editor pencil or checkmark button)
      - checkboxButton (focus on button)
      - columm (focus on filter input if rendered, else asc sort button control if rendered) (ICE-10642)
      - dataExporter (focus on button)
      - dataTable (focus on dataTable body)
      - dataTable Paginator (requires keyboard navigation for Paginator)
      - dateTimeEntry (focus on popup entry field only until full keyboard nav support is added to dateTimeEntry)
      - dynamicResource (focus on link, image, or button)
      - fileEntry (focus on Select Files button when multiple=false, need keyboard support for multiple=true)
      - gMap (focus on map viewer)
      - gMapAutoComplete (focus on input element)
      - linkButton (focus on button)
      - menuButton (focus on button)
      - menuItem (focus on menuItem, or not feasible action on menuItem)
      - pushButton (focus on button)
      - radioButton (focus on button)
      - richTextEntry (focus on editable region).
      - selectMenu (focus on input)
      - sliderEntry (focus on slider shuttle)
      - tableConfigPanel (focus on button)
      - tabPane (focus on tab header, requires keyboard navigation support on tabPane - ICE-10643)
      - textAreaEntry (focus on input component)
      - tree (focus on tree body)
      - videoPlayer (focus on video element actual keyboard support varies by browser)

        Issue Links


          Ken Fyten created issue -
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Description As of ICEfaces 4.0, the ACE components have very limited support for the XHTML "accesskey" attribute.

          In a web browser, accesskey allows a user to immediately jump (set focus) to a specific element on a web page via a keyboard-shortcut.

          As of ICEfaces 4.0, the following ACE components support accesskey:
          - autoCompleteEntry
          - comboBox
          - maskedEntry
          - simpleSelectOneMenu
          - textEntry
          - themeSelect

          In ICEfaces 3 ace:checkboxButton, ace:pushButton, ace:radioButton, and ace:linkButton also supported accesskey, however, their support was lost when certain "unsupported" HTML passthrough attributes were removed from their TLDs in 4.0.

          This JIRA is to add support for the "accesskey" attribute to the following additional ACE components:
          As of ICEfaces 4.0, the ACE components have very limited support for the XHTML "accesskey" attribute.

          In a web browser, accesskey allows a user to immediately jump (set focus) to a specific element on a web page via a keyboard-shortcut.

          As of ICEfaces 4.0, the following ACE components support accesskey:
          - autoCompleteEntry
          - comboBox
          - maskedEntry
          - simpleSelectOneMenu
          - textEntry
          - themeSelect

          In ICEfaces 3 ace:checkboxButton, ace:pushButton, ace:radioButton, and ace:linkButton also supported accesskey, however, their support was lost when certain "unsupported" HTML passthrough attributes were removed from their TLDs in 4.0.

          This JIRA is to add support for the "accesskey" attribute to the following additional ACE components:
          - accordionPane (focus on toggle button)
          - breadcrumbMenu (focus on menu/first focussable element)
          - dateTimeEntry (focus on popup entry field only until full keyboard nav support is added to dateTimeEntry)
          - richTextEntry (focus on editable region).
          - sliderEntry (focus on slider shuttle)
          - textAreaEntry (focus on input component)
          - checkboxButton (focus on button)
          - radioButton (focus on button)
          - linkButton (focus on button)
          - pushButton (focus on button)
          - menuButton (focus on button)
          - menuItem (focus on menuItem, or not feasible action on menuItem)
          - selectMenu (focus on input)
          - dynamicResource (focus on link, image, or button)
          - fileEntry (focus on Select Files button when multiple=false, need keyboard support for multiple=true)
          - gMap (focus on map viewer)
          - gMapAutoComplete (focus on input element)
          - audioPlayer (focus on audio element, actual keyboard support varies by browser)
          - videoPlayer (focus on video element actual keyboard support varies by browser)
          - columm (focus on filter input if rendered, else asc sort button control if rendered) (ICE-10642)
          - cellEditor (focus on editor pencil or checkmark button)
          - dataTable (focus on dataTable body)
          - dataTable Paginator (requires keyboard navigation for Paginator)
          - dataExporter (focus on button)
          - tableConfigPanel (focus on button)
          - tabPane (focus on tab header, requires keyboard navigation support on tabPane - ICE-10643)
          - tree (focus on tree body)
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Description As of ICEfaces 4.0, the ACE components have very limited support for the XHTML "accesskey" attribute.

          In a web browser, accesskey allows a user to immediately jump (set focus) to a specific element on a web page via a keyboard-shortcut.

          As of ICEfaces 4.0, the following ACE components support accesskey:
          - autoCompleteEntry
          - comboBox
          - maskedEntry
          - simpleSelectOneMenu
          - textEntry
          - themeSelect

          In ICEfaces 3 ace:checkboxButton, ace:pushButton, ace:radioButton, and ace:linkButton also supported accesskey, however, their support was lost when certain "unsupported" HTML passthrough attributes were removed from their TLDs in 4.0.

          This JIRA is to add support for the "accesskey" attribute to the following additional ACE components:
          - accordionPane (focus on toggle button)
          - breadcrumbMenu (focus on menu/first focussable element)
          - dateTimeEntry (focus on popup entry field only until full keyboard nav support is added to dateTimeEntry)
          - richTextEntry (focus on editable region).
          - sliderEntry (focus on slider shuttle)
          - textAreaEntry (focus on input component)
          - checkboxButton (focus on button)
          - radioButton (focus on button)
          - linkButton (focus on button)
          - pushButton (focus on button)
          - menuButton (focus on button)
          - menuItem (focus on menuItem, or not feasible action on menuItem)
          - selectMenu (focus on input)
          - dynamicResource (focus on link, image, or button)
          - fileEntry (focus on Select Files button when multiple=false, need keyboard support for multiple=true)
          - gMap (focus on map viewer)
          - gMapAutoComplete (focus on input element)
          - audioPlayer (focus on audio element, actual keyboard support varies by browser)
          - videoPlayer (focus on video element actual keyboard support varies by browser)
          - columm (focus on filter input if rendered, else asc sort button control if rendered) (ICE-10642)
          - cellEditor (focus on editor pencil or checkmark button)
          - dataTable (focus on dataTable body)
          - dataTable Paginator (requires keyboard navigation for Paginator)
          - dataExporter (focus on button)
          - tableConfigPanel (focus on button)
          - tabPane (focus on tab header, requires keyboard navigation support on tabPane - ICE-10643)
          - tree (focus on tree body)
          As of ICEfaces 4.0, the ACE components have very limited support for the XHTML "accesskey" attribute.

          In a web browser, accesskey allows a user to immediately jump (set focus) to a specific element on a web page via a keyboard-shortcut.

          As of ICEfaces 4.0, the following ACE components support accesskey:
          - autoCompleteEntry
          - comboBox
          - maskedEntry
          - simpleSelectOneMenu
          - textEntry
          - themeSelect

          In ICEfaces 3 ace:checkboxButton, ace:pushButton, ace:radioButton, and ace:linkButton also supported accesskey, however, their support was lost when certain "unsupported" HTML passthrough attributes were removed from their TLDs in 4.0.

          This JIRA is to add support for the "accesskey" attribute to the following additional ACE components:
          - accordionPane (focus on toggle button)
          - audioPlayer (focus on audio element, actual keyboard support varies by browser)
          - breadcrumbMenu (focus on menu/first focussable element)
          - cellEditor (focus on editor pencil or checkmark button)
          - checkboxButton (focus on button)
          - columm (focus on filter input if rendered, else asc sort button control if rendered) (ICE-10642)
          - dataExporter (focus on button)
          - dataTable (focus on dataTable body)
          - dataTable Paginator (requires keyboard navigation for Paginator)
          - dateTimeEntry (focus on popup entry field only until full keyboard nav support is added to dateTimeEntry)
          - dynamicResource (focus on link, image, or button)
          - fileEntry (focus on Select Files button when multiple=false, need keyboard support for multiple=true)
          - gMap (focus on map viewer)
          - gMapAutoComplete (focus on input element)
          - linkButton (focus on button)
          - menuButton (focus on button)
          - menuItem (focus on menuItem, or not feasible action on menuItem)
          - pushButton (focus on button)
          - radioButton (focus on button)
          - richTextEntry (focus on editable region).
          - selectMenu (focus on input)
          - sliderEntry (focus on slider shuttle)
          - tableConfigPanel (focus on button)
          - tabPane (focus on tab header, requires keyboard navigation support on tabPane - ICE-10643)
          - textAreaEntry (focus on input component)
          - tree (focus on tree body)
          - videoPlayer (focus on video element actual keyboard support varies by browser)
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 4.1 [ 11375 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Link This issue is duplicated by ICE-10642 [ ICE-10642 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Link This issue depends on ICE-10643 [ ICE-10643 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Assignee Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Assignee Priority P3 [ 10012 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Assignee Priority P3 [ 10012 ]
          Fix Version/s EE-4.1.0.GA [ 12171 ]
          Fix Version/s 4.1 [ 11375 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Assignee Priority P1 [ 10010 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Assignee Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ] Arturo Zambrano [ artzambrano ]
          Assignee Priority P1 [ 10010 ] P2 [ 10011 ]
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Carmen Cristurean made changes -
          Attachment richTextEntry.PNG [ 22193 ]
          Carmen Cristurean made changes -
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Resolved [ 5 ] Reopened [ 4 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s EE-4.1.0.BETA [ 13072 ]
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Status Reopened [ 4 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Liana Munroe made changes -
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Status Resolved [ 5 ] Reopened [ 4 ]
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Status Reopened [ 4 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 4.2.BETA [ 13091 ]
          Fix Version/s 4.2 [ 12870 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]


            • Assignee:
              Arturo Zambrano
              Ken Fyten
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              4 Start watching this issue


              • Created: