@Property(tlddoc = "style will be rendered on a root element of this component")
private String style;
@Property(tlddoc = "style class will be rendered on a root element of this component")
private String styleClass;
@Property(tlddoc="Header text")
private String header;
@Property(tlddoc="visible can be used to toggle visibility on the server, rendered should not be used that way, setting rendered=false on a visible modal dialog will not remove the modality layer, visible=false must be set first (or client-side JS function called)", defaultValue="false")
private boolean visible;
@Property(tlddoc="Makes the dialog resizable. Should be false if width or height is auto, or resizing may hehave erratically.", defaultValue="true")
private boolean resizable;
@Property(defaultValue="true", tlddoc="autocenter of panel")
private boolean autoCenter;
@Property(tlddoc="Width of the element in pixels. Default (not specified or value <= 0) is auto. If auto, resizable should be false, or resizing may hehave erratically. If auto, IE7 may not size or position properly.", defaultValue="Integer.MIN_VALUE")
private int width;
@Property(tlddoc="Height of the element in pixels. Default (not specified or value <= 0) is auto. If auto, resizable should be false, or resizing may hehave erratically. If auto, IE7 may not size or position properly.", defaultValue="Integer.MIN_VALUE")
private int height;
@Property(tlddoc="zindex property to control overlapping with other elements", defaultValue="1000")
private int zindex;
@Property(tlddoc="Minimum width of a resizable dialog", defaultValue="150")
private int minWidth;
@Property(tlddoc="Minimum height of resizable dialog", defaultValue="0")
private int minHeight;
using these for now...can weed them out later, but looked at PanelPopup from compat and Dialogue from ace and found these in common.
A mobile panel popup component would display a modal dialog on top of the current page content. The content of the popup would be customizable by the developer. The default size of the popup would be slightly smaller than the window size and would allow for vertical and horizontal scrolling if the content is larger than the popup bounds. The JSF representation of the component would be as follows:
<mobi: panelPopup rendered="#
<h:outputText value="Vanilla dialog"/>