New Feature
Status: Closed
Resolution: Won't Fix
Affects Version/s: 3.3
Component/s: Framework, ICE-Components
Environment:Servlet 3, Compat Resource Servlet
Assignee Priority:P3
Affects:Documentation (User Guide, Ref. Guide, etc.), Compatibility/Configuration
The Compat Resource Servlet uses specific servlet-mappings that must be configured to set values. As such, it's an ideal candidate for using the Servlet 3 @WebServlet annotation, to allow for automatic configuration.
Now, in a servlet 2.5 container, that annotation will not exist, so as an implementation detail, we may need to create a sub-class that contains the actual annotation, that otherwise would not be classloaded. And we should test the scenario where the web.xml explicitly configures for it along with the annotation, to ensure no odd duplicate definition problems arise.
Now, in a servlet 2.5 container, that annotation will not exist, so as an implementation detail, we may need to create a sub-class that contains the actual annotation, that otherwise would not be classloaded. And we should test the scenario where the web.xml explicitly configures for it along with the annotation, to ensure no odd duplicate definition problems arise.
The auto configuring resource servlet was removed to avoid confusing our customers. Compat components is old technology that doesn't need to be updated to use the latest specs. Also the magic mapping might be undesirable when users drop icefaces-compat.jar into the classpath without intenting to use any of the included components.