Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: EE-3.0.0.BETA
Fix Version/s: 3.1.0.BETA1, 3.1
Component/s: ACE-Components, Sample Apps
Environment:3.0.x-maintenance branch rev. 28192
Servers: Tomcat6, Glassfish 3.1.2
Browsers: Firefox 10 only (this is not an issue in IE8, Chrome17, Firefox 3.6, Firefox 9)
Assignee Priority:P2
Issue 1)
In showcase application -> ace:sliderEntry -> Overview page :
If selecting: axis = x, clickableRail = false, length = 100 px, min = 0, max = 100, stepPercent = 25.0%, and dragging the slider cursor to the left end side, the minimum value updated on the page is -25 (instead of 0).
If changing Step Percent = 50.0%, then the minimum value rendered on the page when moving the slider cursor to the left end side is -50.
Issue 2)
As well, ace:sliderEntry -> Listener fails manually in Firefox 10 (once turned ON, the bulb cannot be turned OFF).
Both 1) and 2) above work fine in all other browsers, including IE8, Chrome17, FF3.6 and FF9.
In showcase application -> ace:sliderEntry -> Overview page :
If selecting: axis = x, clickableRail = false, length = 100 px, min = 0, max = 100, stepPercent = 25.0%, and dragging the slider cursor to the left end side, the minimum value updated on the page is -25 (instead of 0).
If changing Step Percent = 50.0%, then the minimum value rendered on the page when moving the slider cursor to the left end side is -50.
Issue 2)
As well, ace:sliderEntry -> Listener fails manually in Firefox 10 (once turned ON, the bulb cannot be turned OFF).
Both 1) and 2) above work fine in all other browsers, including IE8, Chrome17, FF3.6 and FF9.
Issue Links
- depends on
ICE-7895 Update jQuery to 1.7.1, jQuery UI 1.8.18 and Wijmo 2.0.5
- Closed
This issue exists also in Firefox 11 (tested with rev. 28347).