  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-7568

JavaScript error thrown when trying to add new tabs after filtering a dataTable


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 3.0.RC1
    • Fix Version/s: 3.0.RC2, 3.0
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      ICEfaces 3.0 RC1, Williams App and POC, FireFox browser
    • Assignee Priority:


      Steps to reproduce issue in Williams POC:
       - SVN update POC to make sure you have latest code and use the ICEfaces 3.0 RC release.
       - Load POC
       - Load the first tab with Screen 1.
       - Click retrieve button.
       - Click on the '+' Menu item to load a new blank tab.
       - Go back to the first tab.
       - Enter in '2' for the ID column filter input.
       - Clear out the input.
       - Click on the '+' Menu item to try and load a new tab. -> Nothing happens.
       - Click on the '+' Menu item again, a JavaScript error is thrown, two tabs are now loaded at once.


        Ted Goddard added a comment -

        JavaScript for the DataTable appears to generate the component IDs that are not found:

        <script type="text/javascript">var rtrvdTbl = new ice.ace.DataTable('sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable',{formId:'sub_Screen1:screen1Form',filterEvent:'change',configPanel:'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:j_idt31',paginator:new YAHOO.widget.Paginator({rowsPerPage:5,totalRecords:19,initialPage:1,containers:['sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable_paginatortop','sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable_paginatorbottom'],template:'








        ',rowsPerPageOptions : [5,15,30],alwaysVisible:false}),selectionMode:'single',instantSelect:true,panelExpansion:true,behaviors:{select:function() {ice.ace.ab(

        {"source":"sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable","execute":((arguments[1]) ? arguments[1] + ' ' + 'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable' : 'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable'),"render":((arguments[2]) ? arguments[2] + ' ' + 'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:dtlDvdr' : 'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:dtlDvdr'),"event":"select","params":arguments[0]}


        Ted Goddard added a comment - JavaScript for the DataTable appears to generate the component IDs that are not found: <script type="text/javascript">var rtrvdTbl = new ice.ace.DataTable('sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable',{formId:'sub_Screen1:screen1Form',filterEvent:'change',configPanel:'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:j_idt31',paginator:new YAHOO.widget.Paginator({rowsPerPage:5,totalRecords:19,initialPage:1,containers: ['sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable_paginatortop','sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable_paginatorbottom'] ,template:' {CurrentPageReport} {FirstPageLink} {PreviousPageLink} {PageLinks} {NextPageLink} {LastPageLink} {RowsPerPageDropdown} ',rowsPerPageOptions : [5,15,30] ,alwaysVisible:false}),selectionMode:'single',instantSelect:true,panelExpansion:true,behaviors:{select:function() {ice.ace.ab( {"source":"sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable","execute":((arguments[1]) ? arguments[1] + ' ' + 'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable' : 'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable'),"render":((arguments[2]) ? arguments[2] + ' ' + 'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:dtlDvdr' : 'sub_Screen1:screen1Form:dtlDvdr'),"event":"select","params":arguments[0]} );}}});</script>
        Ted Goddard added a comment -

        Dec 12, 2011 3:40:13 PM org.icefaces.ace.util.ComponentUtils findClientIds
        INFO: Cannot find component with identifier "sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable" in view.
        Dec 12, 2011 3:40:13 PM org.icefaces.ace.util.ComponentUtils findClientIds
        INFO: Cannot find component with identifier "sub_Screen1:screen1Form:dtlDvdr" in view.

        Ted Goddard added a comment - Dec 12, 2011 3:40:13 PM org.icefaces.ace.util.ComponentUtils findClientIds INFO: Cannot find component with identifier "sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable" in view. Dec 12, 2011 3:40:13 PM org.icefaces.ace.util.ComponentUtils findClientIds INFO: Cannot find component with identifier "sub_Screen1:screen1Form:dtlDvdr" in view.
        Nils Lundquist added a comment -

        The output above disappears when the <ace:ajax event="select" /> tag is removed from the table. "sub_Screen1:screen1Form:dtlDvdr" is the target of the ace:ajax execute/render.

        The following output occurs post filter:
        Dec 13, 2011 9:29:49 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit
        WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:j_idt31 could not be found and is being ignored.
        Dec 13, 2011 9:29:49 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit
        WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable could not be found and is being ignored.
        Dec 13, 2011 9:29:50 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit
        WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:j_idt31 could not be found and is being ignored.
        Dec 13, 2011 9:29:50 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit
        WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable could not be found and is being ignored.

        sub_Screen1:screen1Form:j_idt31 is the ID of the table config panel. ... I think that'll be our culprit.

        Nils Lundquist added a comment - The output above disappears when the <ace:ajax event="select" /> tag is removed from the table. "sub_Screen1:screen1Form:dtlDvdr" is the target of the ace:ajax execute/render. The following output occurs post filter: Dec 13, 2011 9:29:49 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:j_idt31 could not be found and is being ignored. Dec 13, 2011 9:29:49 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable could not be found and is being ignored. Dec 13, 2011 9:29:50 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:j_idt31 could not be found and is being ignored. Dec 13, 2011 9:29:50 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable could not be found and is being ignored. sub_Screen1:screen1Form:j_idt31 is the ID of the table config panel. ... I think that'll be our culprit.
        Nils Lundquist added a comment -

        Dec 13, 2011 9:36:50 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit
        WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable could not be found and is being ignored.
        Dec 13, 2011 9:36:51 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit
        WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable could not be found and is being ignored.

        Is the only output at post-tab filtering when the table config panel is removed.

        Nils Lundquist added a comment - Dec 13, 2011 9:36:50 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable could not be found and is being ignored. Dec 13, 2011 9:36:51 AM org.icefaces.impl.context.DOMPartialRenderCallback visit WARNING: Subtree rendering for sub_Screen1:screen1Form:masterTable could not be found and is being ignored. Is the only output at post-tab filtering when the table config panel is removed.
        Nils Lundquist added a comment -

        Found that the issue is related to interaction between missing subtree handling and tabset caching behaviour.

        Assigning to Ted to adjust missing subtree handling.

        Nils Lundquist added a comment - Found that the issue is related to interaction between missing subtree handling and tabset caching behaviour. Assigning to Ted to adjust missing subtree handling.


          • Assignee:
            Ted Goddard
            Arran Mccullough
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue


            • Created: