Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 3.0.RC1
Component/s: ACE-Components
Environment:2.1 Nested Datatable Test, Tomcat 6
Assignee Priority:P1
- Case10547Example.war
- 7.39 MB
- Arran Mccullough
- META-INF/context.xml 0.1 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/com/.../example/Child.class 2 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/com/.../example/Item.class 0.8 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/com/.../example/Parent.class 1 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/.../example/TestBean.class 0.9 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanutils.jar 226 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections.jar 558 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester.jar 140 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging.jar 52 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces-ace.jar 1.42 MB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces-compat.jar 2.29 MB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces.jar 237 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/javax.faces.jar 2.48 MB
- WEB-INF/web.xml 2 kB
- welcomeICEfaces.xhtml 3 kB
- 19 kB
- Arran Mccullough
- Case10547Example/build.xml 3 kB
- Case10547Example/.../ant-deploy.xml 2 kB
- Case10547Example/.../build-impl.xml 58 kB
- Case10547Example/.../ 0.5 kB
- Case10547Example/.../ 0.5 kB
- Case10547Example/nbproject/.../private.xml 0.2 kB
- Case10547Example/.../ 3 kB
- Case10547Example/nbproject/project.xml 0.9 kB
- Case10547Example/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF 0.0 kB
- Case10547Example/src/.../example/ 1 kB
- Case10547Example/src/.../example/ 0.6 kB
- Case10547Example/src/.../example/ 1 kB
- Case10547Example/src/.../ 0.7 kB
- Case10547Example/web/.../context.xml 0.1 kB
- Case10547Example/web/WEB-INF/web.xml 2 kB
- Case10547Example/.../welcomeICEfaces.xhtml 3 kB
- 32 kB
- Nils Lundquist
- nesting_fix_-_patches_25836.patch
- 8 kB
- Nils Lundquist
- 2 kB
- Nils Lundquist
- nested-datatable-issue3.JPG
- 112 kB
Issue Links
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ICE-6997 New ace:dataTable Component
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Added patch as well as whole files in case patch doesn't apply correctly.
Attached test case war file and source code that demonstrates issues seen in using a nested dataTable using the 10072011 release.
Description of screen shots of issues:
- nested-datatable-issue1.jpg: This shows the rendering of the nested table in the parent table.
- nested-datatable-issue2.jpg: After click of the parent expansion toggler
- nested-datatable-issue3.jpg: After click of the nested table expansion toggler
This issue was intended for issues regarding a data table nested in a column of the parent, rather than in a panelExpansion. The two cases are somewhat different.
This issue has been resolved however. Several minor JS bugs, a getColumns() bug and unimplemented functionality in visitTree were responsible.
Fixes committed in r25971.
The nested table is currently experiencing issues in partial visits.
r26651 - Fixes for nested data table issues.
Fixed issues related to out of sync data model, overly broad javascript selectors, clientId assignment, generator property getter bug for mojarra-style UIData clientIds. Iterate for table has also been narrowed.
State saving issue for child data table remains. Workaround is to bind to a bean the properties of the child table.
State saving problem caused by broken visitTree impl; not visiting column children during non-iterative visits correctly.
Getter refactoring was reverted given that it was the incorrect solution to the problem of StateMap being loaded when getClientId() was unreliable.
First problem presenting in the test, are pagination buttons of a nested that either have no event bound, or whose responses perform no updates. Both are present in the current test.