  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-6821

Ace Showcase throws JavaScript errors when deploying to the ROOT context in Tomcat


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 2.0.1
    • Fix Version/s: 2.0.2, EE-2.0.0.GA_P01
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      Tomcat 7, Firefox, IE


      When deploying the ace-showcase.war file to the ROOT context of Tomcat 7 JavaScript errors are seen when running the app. Upon access of main.jsf the following JavaScript error is seen: "Y.Plugin is Undefined". Access the Date Time Entry page, the same error is seen along with a "YAHOO is Undefined" error.

      Note: To deploy the war file to the ROOT context in Tomcat 7, you need to remove the existing ROOT folder in the webapps director. Then you need to rename the war file you wish to deploy to as ROOT.war. It must me upper case.


        Arran Mccullough added a comment -

        Forgot to mention, this is not an issue with the auction, auctionMonitor, and component-showcase applications.

        Arran Mccullough added a comment - Forgot to mention, this is not an issue with the auction, auctionMonitor, and component-showcase applications.
        Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

        This issue was already fixed... the 2.0.1 release didn't get to benefit from some changes in the way of composing URLs to dynamically load resources in the client. These changes were motivated by portlet URLs, but they also cover the case of deploying an application to the ROOT context.

        Arturo Zambrano added a comment - This issue was already fixed... the 2.0.1 release didn't get to benefit from some changes in the way of composing URLs to dynamically load resources in the client. These changes were motivated by portlet URLs, but they also cover the case of deploying an application to the ROOT context.
        Senthilkumar Ramasamy added a comment -


        Its good to hear from you that the problem has fixed. We are waiting for this issue to be fixed to migrate our project into new version 2.0.1. So Can you post the solution for this defect or when we can expect the solution for this defect. Because we couldn't find the solutions in your comment.


        Senthilkumar Ramasamy added a comment - Hi, Its good to hear from you that the problem has fixed. We are waiting for this issue to be fixed to migrate our project into new version 2.0.1. So Can you post the solution for this defect or when we can expect the solution for this defect. Because we couldn't find the solutions in your comment. Thanks,
        Arran Mccullough added a comment -

        The solution is to wait for the next ICEfaces release as the fixes are included in there. You can check out the ICEfaces 2 trunk via SVN:

        Arran Mccullough added a comment - The solution is to wait for the next ICEfaces release as the fixes are included in there. You can check out the ICEfaces 2 trunk via SVN:
        Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

        The problem is solved starting from revision 24368 in the 2.1 trunk and in the 2.0 maintenance branch. It was committed on April 10, 2011. This improvement is included in the ICEfaces EE 2.0.0 GA release.

        Arturo Zambrano added a comment - The problem is solved starting from revision 24368 in the 2.1 trunk and in the 2.0 maintenance branch. It was committed on April 10, 2011. This improvement is included in the ICEfaces EE 2.0.0 GA release.


          • Assignee:
            Arturo Zambrano
            Arran Mccullough
          • Votes:
            1 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


            • Created: