It is useful to have the ability for server-side components, beans, etc. to have the bridge execute some JavaScript one time only, after the next DOM update is processed.
In ICEfaces 1.8, there was a JavaScriptContext API that would support this. For ICEfaces 2.0, we've added a utility API for use by the Sparkle components (seeICE-5830), but this is for inserting a <script> node into the DOM, not executing some arbitrary JS one time only.
So, it seems we require another API that would have the bridge execute some JS one-time.
In ICEfaces 1.8, there was a JavaScriptContext API that would support this. For ICEfaces 2.0, we've added a utility API for use by the Sparkle components (see
So, it seems we require another API that would have the bridge execute some JS one-time.
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ICE-4418 JavaScript injection functionality
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Implemented utility API for evaluating JS code on the client. The new API is similar to the JavascriptContext but without extra baggage of focus management and effect queueing. The injected code will be rendered on page load or partial update.
The signature of the method used to inject JS code looks like this:
org.icefaces.util.JavaScriptRunner.runScript(FacesContext context, String code)