  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-5769

sparkle inputFiles returning malformed updates


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 2.0-Alpha3
    • Fix Version/s: 2.0-Beta2, 2.0.0
    • Component/s: ICE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      glimmer + sparkle


      If you run the sparkle showcase (svn\ossrepo\icefaces\scratchpads\sparkle\showcase\test), and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a page with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a commandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, select a a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.

        Issue Links


          Mark Collette created issue -
          Mark Collette made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Link This issue blocks ICE-5032 [ ICE-5032 ]
          Ken Fyten added a comment -

          Please analyze the nature of the malformed response. This is a blocker for the inputFile component.

          Ken Fyten added a comment - Please analyze the nature of the malformed response. This is a blocker for the inputFile component.
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Salesforce Case []
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Alpha3 [ 10032 ]
          Assignee Priority P2
          Description If you run the sparkle showcase, and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a pge with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a cmmandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, selecta a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.
          If you run the sparkle showcase (svn\ossrepo\icefaces\scratchpads\sparkle\showcase\test,), and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a pge with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a commandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, selecta a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.
          Assignee Deryk Sinotte [ deryk.sinotte ]
          Priority Major [ 3 ] Blocker [ 1 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta [ 10231 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Alpha3 [ 10032 ]
          Mark Collette made changes -
          Salesforce Case []
          Description If you run the sparkle showcase (svn\ossrepo\icefaces\scratchpads\sparkle\showcase\test,), and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a pge with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a commandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, selecta a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.
          If you run the sparkle showcase (svn\ossrepo\icefaces\scratchpads\sparkle\showcase\test), and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a page with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a commandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, select a a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.
          Repository Revision Date User Message
          ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #21513 Thu May 27 14:54:33 MDT 2010 mark.collette ICE-5769 : sparkle inputFiles returning malformed updates
          Files Changed
          Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces/scratchpads/sparkle/component/src/org/icefaces/component/inputFiles/
          Mark Collette added a comment -

          Investigation of DOMResponseWriter and DOMPartialViewContext led me to discover that the InputFilesPhaseListener was calling setAjaxRequest(true), but not setPartialRequest(true) on the PartialViewContext. This confused the DOMResponseWriter into treating the response as both a full page GET style response, and a partial Ajax style response.

          Subversion 21513

          Mark Collette added a comment - Investigation of DOMResponseWriter and DOMPartialViewContext led me to discover that the InputFilesPhaseListener was calling setAjaxRequest(true), but not setPartialRequest(true) on the PartialViewContext. This confused the DOMResponseWriter into treating the response as both a full page GET style response, and a partial Ajax style response. Subversion 21513 sparkle\component\src\org\icefaces\component\inputFiles\
          Mark Collette made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Alpha3 [ 10032 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta [ 10231 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Salesforce Case []
          Component/s Framework [ 10013 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta [ 10231 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Alpha3 [ 10032 ]
          Assignee Priority P2
          Assignee Deryk Sinotte [ deryk.sinotte ] Mark Collette [ mark.collette ]
          Priority Blocker [ 1 ] Major [ 3 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta2 [ 10242 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta1 [ 10231 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Security Private [ 10001 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2.0.0 [ 10230 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]


            • Assignee:
              Mark Collette
              Mark Collette
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue


              • Created: