  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-5769

sparkle inputFiles returning malformed updates


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 2.0-Alpha3
    • Fix Version/s: 2.0-Beta2, 2.0.0
    • Component/s: ICE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      glimmer + sparkle


      If you run the sparkle showcase (svn\ossrepo\icefaces\scratchpads\sparkle\showcase\test), and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a page with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a commandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, select a a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.

        Issue Links


          Mark Collette created issue -
          Mark Collette made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Link This issue blocks ICE-5032 [ ICE-5032 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Salesforce Case []
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Alpha3 [ 10032 ]
          Assignee Priority P2
          Description If you run the sparkle showcase, and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a pge with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a cmmandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, selecta a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.
          If you run the sparkle showcase (svn\ossrepo\icefaces\scratchpads\sparkle\showcase\test,), and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a pge with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a commandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, selecta a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.
          Assignee Deryk Sinotte [ deryk.sinotte ]
          Priority Major [ 3 ] Blocker [ 1 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta [ 10231 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Alpha3 [ 10032 ]
          Mark Collette made changes -
          Salesforce Case []
          Description If you run the sparkle showcase (svn\ossrepo\icefaces\scratchpads\sparkle\showcase\test,), and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a pge with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a commandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, selecta a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.
          If you run the sparkle showcase (svn\ossrepo\icefaces\scratchpads\sparkle\showcase\test), and go to the inputFiles page, you will find a page with two forms. Both forms have an inputText field and a commandButton. The bottom form also has the inputFiles component. If you enter some text in the bottom inputText field, select a a file in the inputFiles component, and click on the bottom commandButton, you will get back a malformed response.
          Mark Collette made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Alpha3 [ 10032 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta [ 10231 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Salesforce Case []
          Component/s Framework [ 10013 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta [ 10231 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Alpha3 [ 10032 ]
          Assignee Priority P2
          Assignee Deryk Sinotte [ deryk.sinotte ] Mark Collette [ mark.collette ]
          Priority Blocker [ 1 ] Major [ 3 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta2 [ 10242 ]
          Fix Version/s 2.0-Beta1 [ 10231 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Security Private [ 10001 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2.0.0 [ 10230 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]


            • Assignee:
              Mark Collette
              Mark Collette
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              0 Start watching this issue


              • Created: