Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.8
Component/s: None
1) Liferay v5.2.2 with bundled Tomcat 6.0.18
2) JDK v1.6.0_07
3) Icefaces v1.8.0
4) JBoss Seam v2.1.1.GA
ICEsoft Forum Reference:
Problem statements:
1) There are two different portlets from separate WAR archives deployed on the server. No IPC between portlets.
2) Portlets are fully functional, when added to public page (no authenticated user).
3) Portlets still remain fully functional after public page refresh (F5) (no authenticated user).
4) Portlets are fully functional, when added to public page and viewed with user authenticated.
5) Portlets are not functional after page refresh (F5), when viewed with user authenticated.
- None of the components are responsive (tabs of tabbed pane do not change, button actionListeners are not invoked - tried with debuger at the start of actionListener method - call does not come, etc.)
- Noticed that rvn=<some_number> parameter appears in the URL. And it seems to me that page reload is executed on every user action with the UI and this is not what is expected from AJAX driven technology such as ICEFaces.
For the simple test case:
The same behaviour is noticed in location sample provided with ICEfaces source distribution when building with default target for liferay on tomcat 6: I mean that after logged in user refreshes (F5) the page, details portlet does not update after selecting location from find portlet.
1) There are two different portlets from separate WAR archives deployed on the server. No IPC between portlets.
2) Portlets are fully functional, when added to public page (no authenticated user).
3) Portlets still remain fully functional after public page refresh (F5) (no authenticated user).
4) Portlets are fully functional, when added to public page and viewed with user authenticated.
5) Portlets are not functional after page refresh (F5), when viewed with user authenticated.
- None of the components are responsive (tabs of tabbed pane do not change, button actionListeners are not invoked - tried with debuger at the start of actionListener method - call does not come, etc.)
- Noticed that rvn=<some_number> parameter appears in the URL. And it seems to me that page reload is executed on every user action with the UI and this is not what is expected from AJAX driven technology such as ICEFaces.
For the simple test case:
The same behaviour is noticed in location sample provided with ICEfaces source distribution when building with default target for liferay on tomcat 6: I mean that after logged in user refreshes (F5) the page, details portlet does not update after selecting location from find portlet.
I've doing some testing trying to confirm this and narrow it down.
When testing with 1.8.0 with the Location portlets on Liferay 5.2.2, I could see the described behaviour in both Firefox and IE7. Reloading the page as an authenticated user seemed to cause the portlets to stop working.
I then tested with ICEfaces 1.8.1, and that seemed to work well with Firefox - I could reload as a guest or as an authenticated user - and the portlets continued to function. With IE, it seems that reloading either as an authenticated user or as a guest leads to the portlets not responding. Not sure of the details as to why this is yet. First glance appears that perhaps the DOM update is affected in some way but I'm unsure why this would only affect IE.