Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: 1.8.1
Component/s: Framework
ICEsoft Forum Reference:
Scenario #1: A page has a panelTabSet. In a tab of the tab set there is a commandButton that via a navigation rule redirects to a new page. When the button is clicked a NPE is thrown. If the commandButton is outside of the tab set then no error is thrown.
Scenario #2: A data table has a checkbox in one column and a commandLink in another column. The link causes redirect navigation to a new page. On click of the link a similar error to scenario #1 is thrown. If the selectBooleanCheckbox is removed from the table no error is thrown.
These errors are not reproducible in ICEfaces 1.8.0.
Scenario #2: A data table has a checkbox in one column and a commandLink in another column. The link causes redirect navigation to a new page. On click of the link a similar error to scenario #1 is thrown. If the selectBooleanCheckbox is removed from the table no error is thrown.
These errors are not reproducible in ICEfaces 1.8.0.
- Case8344Example.war
- 6.14 MB
- Arran Mccullough
- META-INF/context.xml 0.1 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/com/.../example/Item.class 0.8 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/.../example/TestBean.class 2 kB
- WEB-INF/faces-config.xml 0.9 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/FastInfoset.jar 285 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/backport-util-concurrent.jar 319 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanutils.jar 226 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-collections.jar 558 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester.jar 140 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-discovery.jar 75 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-el.jar 110 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload.jar 56 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang.jar 240 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging.jar 52 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces-comps.jar 1.93 MB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces.jar 1.06 MB
- WEB-INF/lib/jsf-api.jar 356 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/jsf-impl.jar 778 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/jstl.jar 20 kB
- WEB-INF/web.xml 3 kB
- index.jsp 0.1 kB
- main.jspx 2 kB
- page.jspx 2 kB
- 17 kB
- Arran Mccullough
- dataTableError.txt
- 5 kB
- Arran Mccullough
- faces-config.xml
- 0.9 kB
- Mark Collette
- tabSetError.txt
- 5 kB
- Arran Mccullough
- web.xml
- 3 kB
- Mark Collette
Issue Links
- depends on
ICE-4604 Navigation clearing current lifecycle state
- Closed
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These attachments fix the navigation rules, so that the correct ICEfaces servlet will be used.
Mark Collette
added a comment - These attachments fix the navigation rules, so that the correct ICEfaces servlet will be used.
Blocking issue ICE-4604 solved.
Mircea Toma
added a comment - Blocking issue ICE-4604 solved.
The web.xml and faces-config.xml files from the attached WAR needed some fixing, since the navigation rules were a little wrong.