Type: Bug
Status: Closed
Priority: Major
Resolution: Invalid
Affects Version/s: 1.7.2
Component/s: Framework
Environment:Windows, x86, webflow 1.0.5
ICEsoft Forum Reference:
I define a component on my page with a valueChangeListener:
<ice:inputText value="test" valueChangeListener="#{myAction.valueChange}"/>
In my action I retrieve the component from the actionEvent and I change the value of an attribute. For example, I set the 'rendered' attribute to 'false'.
Now, for some reason this attribute gets replaced with the original value (which was true). This happens in the render response phase. The same problem is also seen when doing actual component binding. The result is that I cannot control the components state from my actions anymore.
Note: this seems to be a problem when IN a flow (webflow 1.0.x). When testing the page OUTSIDE a flow it works fine.
This is a problem since 1.7.2 (it worked in 1.7.1)
<ice:inputText value="test" valueChangeListener="#{myAction.valueChange}"/>
In my action I retrieve the component from the actionEvent and I change the value of an attribute. For example, I set the 'rendered' attribute to 'false'.
Now, for some reason this attribute gets replaced with the original value (which was true). This happens in the render response phase. The same problem is also seen when doing actual component binding. The result is that I cannot control the components state from my actions anymore.
Note: this seems to be a problem when IN a flow (webflow 1.0.x). When testing the page OUTSIDE a flow it works fine.
This is a problem since 1.7.2 (it worked in 1.7.1)
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Errorken Errorken
created issue -
Errorken Errorken
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Errorken Errorken
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Errorken Errorken
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Deryk Sinotte
made changes -
Assignee | Ted Goddard [ ted.goddard ] |
Deryk Sinotte
made changes -
Assignee | Ted Goddard [ ted.goddard ] | Mircea Toma [ mircea.toma ] |
Deryk Sinotte
made changes -
Salesforce Case | [] | |
Assignee Priority | P2 |
Deryk Sinotte
made changes -
Salesforce Case | [] | |
Fix Version/s | 1.8DR#3 [ 10143 ] | |
Assignee Priority | P2 | P1 |
Mircea Toma
made changes -
Status | Open [ 1 ] | Resolved [ 5 ] |
Resolution | Invalid [ 6 ] |
Ken Fyten
made changes -
Fix Version/s | 1.8 [ 10161 ] | |
Assignee Priority | P1 |
Ken Fyten
made changes -
Status | Resolved [ 5 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |
Assignee | Mircea Toma [ mircea.toma ] |