  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-3351

Memory: certain tag objects and string objects representing XHTML tags are unnecessarily repeated


    • Type: Improvement Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 1.7.1
    • Fix Version/s: 1.8DR#1, 1.8
    • Component/s: Framework
    • Labels:
    • Environment:


      Each hard-coded XHTML tag in a JSP document is generating a new string object instead of reusing a static/constant field containing the same value. For example, if a JSP documen has 50 hard-coded <div>'s, then 50 string objects with the value "div" will be created. Since this is being done for every client, it is consuming an important amount of memory.

      It is important to note that each of these strings is referenced by 3 objects: an AttrImpl object (DOM), a UIXhtmlComponent object (component tree) and an XhtmlTag object (tag tree). It is also important to mention that XhtmlTag objects and IceOutputTextTag objects are being created on a per-client basis, when only one set of these objects is supposed to exist per document.

      Moreover, certain tag objects especially XhtmlTag and IceOutputTextTag are being kept in memory per client. For example, with one client there are 15 CommandButtonTag objects, with two clients there are 25, with 3 clients there are 35, etc. There should be only one tag tree per document in the whole application.

        Issue Links


          Arturo Zambrano created issue -
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Assignee Deryk Sinotte [ deryk.sinotte ]
          Deryk Sinotte made changes -
          Assignee Deryk Sinotte [ deryk.sinotte ] Arturo Zambrano [ artzambrano ]
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Summary Performance: string objects representing XHTML tags are unnecessarily repeated Performance: certain tag objects and string objects representing XHTML tags are unnecessarily repeated
          Description Each hard-coded XHTML tags in a JSP document is generating a new string object instead of reusing a static/constant field containing the same value. For example, if a JSP documen has 50 hard-coded <div>'s, then 50 string objects with the value "div" will be created. Since this is being done for every client, it is consuming an important amount of memory.

          It is important to note that each of these strings is referenced by 3 objects: an AttrImpl object (DOM), a UIXhtmlComponent object (component tree) and an XhtmlTag object (tag tree). It is also important to mention that XhtmlTag objects and IceOutputTextTag objects are being created on a per-client basis, when only one set of these objects is supposed to exist per document.
          Each hard-coded XHTML tags in a JSP document is generating a new string object instead of reusing a static/constant field containing the same value. For example, if a JSP documen has 50 hard-coded <div>'s, then 50 string objects with the value "div" will be created. Since this is being done for every client, it is consuming an important amount of memory.

          It is important to note that each of these strings is referenced by 3 objects: an AttrImpl object (DOM), a UIXhtmlComponent object (component tree) and an XhtmlTag object (tag tree). It is also important to mention that XhtmlTag objects and IceOutputTextTag objects are being created on a per-client basis, when only one set of these objects is supposed to exist per document.

          Moreover, certain tag objects especially XhtmlTag and IceOutputTextTag are being kept in memory per client. For example, with one client there are 15 CommandButtonTag objects, with two clients there are 25, with 3 clients there are 35, etc. There should be only one tag tree per document in the whole application.
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Description Each hard-coded XHTML tags in a JSP document is generating a new string object instead of reusing a static/constant field containing the same value. For example, if a JSP documen has 50 hard-coded <div>'s, then 50 string objects with the value "div" will be created. Since this is being done for every client, it is consuming an important amount of memory.

          It is important to note that each of these strings is referenced by 3 objects: an AttrImpl object (DOM), a UIXhtmlComponent object (component tree) and an XhtmlTag object (tag tree). It is also important to mention that XhtmlTag objects and IceOutputTextTag objects are being created on a per-client basis, when only one set of these objects is supposed to exist per document.

          Moreover, certain tag objects especially XhtmlTag and IceOutputTextTag are being kept in memory per client. For example, with one client there are 15 CommandButtonTag objects, with two clients there are 25, with 3 clients there are 35, etc. There should be only one tag tree per document in the whole application.
          Each hard-coded XHTML tag in a JSP document is generating a new string object instead of reusing a static/constant field containing the same value. For example, if a JSP documen has 50 hard-coded <div>'s, then 50 string objects with the value "div" will be created. Since this is being done for every client, it is consuming an important amount of memory.

          It is important to note that each of these strings is referenced by 3 objects: an AttrImpl object (DOM), a UIXhtmlComponent object (component tree) and an XhtmlTag object (tag tree). It is also important to mention that XhtmlTag objects and IceOutputTextTag objects are being created on a per-client basis, when only one set of these objects is supposed to exist per document.

          Moreover, certain tag objects especially XhtmlTag and IceOutputTextTag are being kept in memory per client. For example, with one client there are 15 CommandButtonTag objects, with two clients there are 25, with 3 clients there are 35, etc. There should be only one tag tree per document in the whole application.
          Repository Revision Date User Message
          ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #17350 Wed Aug 13 11:39:54 MDT 2008 art.zambrano ICE-3351 Performance: certain tag objects and string objects representing XHTML tags are unnecessarily repeated
          Files Changed
          Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces/trunk/icefaces/core/src/com/icesoft/faces/webapp/parser/
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Component/s Framework [ 10013 ]
          Affects Version/s 1.7.1 [ 10122 ]
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

          The fix consists of adding to the parse() method of the following code:


          ...right after:


          This way, the additional tag objects and strings have no more incoming references, so they can be garbage collected.

          Arturo Zambrano added a comment - The fix consists of adding to the parse() method of the following code: pageContext.removeAttribute( "javax.faces.webapp.GLOBAL_ID_VIEW", PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE); ...right after: pageContext.removeAttribute( "javax.faces.webapp.COMPONENT_TAG_STACK", PageContext.REQUEST_SCOPE); This way, the additional tag objects and strings have no more incoming references, so they can be garbage collected.
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 1.7.2 [ 10130 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Summary Performance: certain tag objects and string objects representing XHTML tags are unnecessarily repeated Memory: certain tag objects and string objects representing XHTML tags are unnecessarily repeated
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Link This issue blocks ICE-3083 [ ICE-3083 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 1.7.2RC1 [ 10140 ]
          Fix Version/s 1.7.2 [ 10130 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 1.8DR#1 [ 10141 ]
          Fix Version/s 1.7.2RC1 [ 10140 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Fix Version/s 1.8 [ 10161 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          Assignee Arturo Zambrano [ artzambrano ]


            • Assignee:
              Arturo Zambrano
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              0 Vote for this issue
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