Trunk revision: 17026
The utility has been created under component-metadata branch. To run the test the following steps are required:
1. Add the following property "project.icefaces.defaultValuesFileName=fileName.xml", into the following file.
svn\ossrepo\icefaces\trunk\icefaces\component-metadata\src\main\resources\conf\ (e.g.)
2. Run the ant under "component-metadata" (e.g.)
3. Open the generated HTML file, from the following location. The file would be named as the file you defined for the above property but with the html extension.:
svn\ossrepo\icefaces\trunk\icefaces\component-metadata\target\generated-sources\tld\ (e.g.)
Trunk revision: 17026
The utility has been created under component-metadata branch. To run the test the following steps are required:
1. Add the following property "project.icefaces.defaultValuesFileName=fileName.xml", into the following file.
svn\ossrepo\icefaces\trunk\icefaces\component-metadata\src\main\resources\conf\ (e.g.)
2. Run the ant under "component-metadata" (e.g.)
3. Open the generated HTML file, from the following location. The file would be named as the file you defined for the above property but with the html extension.:
svn\ossrepo\icefaces\trunk\icefaces\component-metadata\target\generated-sources\tld\ (e.g.)