Seam creates and maintains a number of Contexts with different scopes that application writers can use for various storage purposes for their application. The Contexts have different lifespans, some existing for only the request in progress (EventContext) and some lasting for an arbitrary length of time (eg. ConversationContext). The ICEfaces framework doesn't allow these Contexts to go away properly anymore; the PageContext has been fixed but the event context is still outstanding. Changes made to restore what used to work pre-1.6 now break the Seam-icefaces example application, and some work needs to be done to understand exactly what it is that's broken, and fix it.
This causes no known issues at present, but it needs to be fixed while we know it's a problem, as it is difficult and time consuming to find problems of this nature, as the ramifications are always obscure.
This causes no known issues at present, but it needs to be fixed while we know it's a problem, as it is difficult and time consuming to find problems of this nature, as the ramifications are always obscure.
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ICE-1810 Support Integration with JBoss Seam
- Closed
I've found an issue in the DR2 build. There's some code from 1.5.3 that hasn't found a place in the new environment. This code cleaned out the externalContext's attribute map after each request, if the "Standard_request_scope" context param is true. It is necessary for this to occur, or else Seam's EventContext continues to accumulate various request parameters and other debris.
In order to get this to work, it is necessary to add a <context-param> to the applications web.xml file.
com.icesoft.faces.standardRquestScope = true
Committed revision 13445.
This should fix the EventContext, I'll keep this open until I can re-confirm the PageContext behaviour.