Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: EE-4.3.0.GA_P05, EE-3.3.0.GA_P11
Fix Version/s: EE-4.3.0.GA_P06, EE-3.3.0.GA_P12
Component/s: ACE-Components
Support Case References:Syracom
While it's possible to use localized labels in ace:dateTimeEntry (e.g. by setting the 'locale' attribute of the containing f:view tag), not all messages in this component are displayed in the configured language. An example of this is when using showWeek="true" on this component; the header of the week number column always displays as "Wk" instead of a more appropriate abbreviation for the configured locale.
This JIRA is to do a thorough review of the localization messages in ace:dateTimeEntry and fix those that aren't being displayed as expected, according to the configured locale.
This JIRA is to do a thorough review of the localization messages in ace:dateTimeEntry and fix those that aren't being displayed as expected, according to the configured locale.
Only two other labels were found not to be translated, besides the week header. These labels are shown when setting showButtonPanel="true". This renders a button panel at the bottom with a button labeled "Today", which navigates to the current month, and when the component is rendered as a popup, it also displays a button labeled as "Done", which closes the popup.
The localized labels used in the ace:dateTimeEntry component are obtained from Java, from the java.text.DateFormatSymbols class. This class can provide the localized labels for the different elements typically found in a calendar. However, it has no labels for the elements described above in this JIRA, which are labelled as 'weekHeader', 'currentText', and 'closeText' in jQuery UI. As a result, these labels weren't being localized.
This was fixed by adding localized messages for these labels for a selected number of languages, in the renderer class of this component.