  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-11556

ace:autoCompleteEntry, pressing backspace right after typing a letter displays incorrect list


    • Type: Improvement Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: EE-4.3.0.GA_P04, EE-3.3.0.GA_P10
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:


      A supported customer brought to our attention a minor issue with ace:autoCompleteEntry, in which pressing backspace at just the right time after typing a letter causes the component to display the incorrect options list. These are the instructions they provided to reproduce it on the showcase:

      1. Key in “ab” in the “Cities of the World” field. The suggested cities list starting with “ab” is displayed correctly
      2. Key in “e” after “ab” in the “Cities of the World” field.
      3. Wait for a while when the suggested cities list is about to reload, press “Backspace”. The last character “e” of the “Cities of the World” is removed by the backspace, but soon it reappears again. And the suggested cities list is still starting with “ab”, which is the screen captured moment.

      The backpace key has to be pressed at just the right time for this issue to occur. If it's pressed too soon, the component works normally. If it's pressed too late, the correct list is displayed as well. This issue has to do with the necessary delays used by the component to trigger the request to fetch the list of results. This delay is necessary for usability and quality of life. It seems like if the backspace key is pressed exactly when this delay ends, this situation occurs.

      The result list is corrected as soon as another letter is typed or deleted.

      This JIRA is to attempt to refine this behaviour and possibly avoid this situation.


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          • Assignee:
            Arturo Zambrano
            Arturo Zambrano
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