  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-11320

ace:checkboxButtons should show label when using f:selectItems


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 4.2
    • Fix Version/s: EE-4.2.0.GA
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      ace checkboxButtons
    • Assignee Priority:
    • Affects:
    • Workaround Description:
      Use <h:selectOneCheckbox>


      when using the following markup (can paste this into showcase example dataTableDynamicColumns.xhtml):-
                  <ace:checkboxButtons id="checkbox"
                      <ace:ajax render="@form" execute="@this"/>
                      <f:selectItems value="#{dataTableDynamicColumns.checkboxes}"/>
      note that if you use several <f:selectItem with an itemValue and itemLabel, then the labels appear on the checkboxes. It is simply the use of the <f:selectItems> that shows no labels. A checkbox is rendered (see attached screenshot).

        Issue Links


          Judy Guglielmin created issue -
          Judy Guglielmin made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Attachment checkboxButtons label missing.png [ 22547 ]
          Judy Guglielmin added a comment - - edited

          for dataTableDynamicColumns.xhtml
          and dataTableFind.xhtml
          and accordionPanel.xhtml

          Judy Guglielmin added a comment - - edited for dataTableDynamicColumns.xhtml and dataTableFind.xhtml and accordionPanel.xhtml
          Judy Guglielmin made changes -
          Link This issue blocks ICE-11258 [ ICE-11258 ]
          Judy Guglielmin made changes -
          Fix Version/s 4.2 [ 12870 ]
          Judy Guglielmin made changes -
          Assignee Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ]
          Judy Guglielmin made changes -
          Summary ace:checkboxButtons should show label when using f:selectItems ace:checkboxButtons and radioButtons should show label when using f:selectItems
          Judy Guglielmin made changes -
          Summary ace:checkboxButtons and radioButtons should show label when using f:selectItems ace:checkboxButtons should show label when using f:selectItems
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Assignee Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ] Arturo Zambrano [ artzambrano ]
          Fix Version/s EE-4.2.0.GA [ 13071 ]
          Fix Version/s 4.2 [ 12870 ]
          Assignee Priority P2 [ 10011 ]
          Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

          There's actually no issue. You just need to specify the 'labelPosition' attribute to something like 'left' or 'inField', since the default label position is 'none'. Maybe the default label position should be changed to 'inField', like ace:checkboxButton.

          Using f:selectItem presented the same behaviour for me (i.e. no label unless 'labelPosition' is specified).

          Arturo Zambrano added a comment - There's actually no issue. You just need to specify the 'labelPosition' attribute to something like 'left' or 'inField', since the default label position is 'none'. Maybe the default label position should be changed to 'inField', like ace:checkboxButton. Using f:selectItem presented the same behaviour for me (i.e. no label unless 'labelPosition' is specified).
          Arturo Zambrano added a comment -

          r51681: ace:checkboxButtons, changed the default value of 'labelPosition' to 'right', instead of 'none', to better align with the h:selectManyCheckbox behaviour

          Arturo Zambrano added a comment - r51681: ace:checkboxButtons, changed the default value of 'labelPosition' to 'right', instead of 'none', to better align with the h:selectManyCheckbox behaviour
          Arturo Zambrano made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
          Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
          Repository Revision Date User Message
          ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #51681 Wed Jun 21 20:09:00 MDT 2017 art.zambrano ICE-11320 ace:checkboxButtons, changed the default value of 'labelPosition' to 'right', instead of 'none', to better align with the h:selectManyCheckbox behaviour
          Files Changed
          Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces4/trunk/icefaces/ace/component/src/org/icefaces/ace/component/checkboxbuttons/
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Affects Compatibility/Configuration [ 10002 ]
          Liana Munroe added a comment -

          Verified ICEfaces 4 trunk r51697. Tomcat 8, MS Edge, IE 11, 10, 9 ,8, FF 47, Chrome 59.
          New test app /ICE-11320.jsf added to:

          Liana Munroe added a comment - Verified ICEfaces 4 trunk r51697. Tomcat 8, MS Edge, IE 11, 10, 9 ,8, FF 47, Chrome 59. New test app / ICE-11320 .jsf added to:
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]


            • Assignee:
              Arturo Zambrano
              Judy Guglielmin
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue


              • Created: