Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Affects Version/s: EE-1.8.2.GA_P09
Fix Version/s: EE-1.8.2.GA_P10
Component/s: ICE-Components
Environment:All browsers
Assignee Priority:P1
Support Case References:Support Case #14096 -
An ice:menuBar is setup in a browser window that scrolls. When displaying the 3rd level menuItem, the positioning is off when the browser has been scrolled down. If it isn't scrolled, the positioning is correct.
This seems to be an issue in Firefox, Chrome and IE11. I also tested with scrollableDivMode = true on the menuBar but it had no effect.
This seems to be an issue in Firefox, Chrome and IE11. I also tested with scrollableDivMode = true on the menuBar but it had no effect.
- Case14096Example.war
- 7.25 MB
- Arran Mccullough
- META-INF/context.xml 0.1 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/com/.../support/Item.class 0.3 kB
- WEB-INF/classes/.../support/TestBean.class 0.3 kB
- WEB-INF/faces-config.xml 0.7 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/backport-util-concurrent.jar 319 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-beanutils.jar 226 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-digester.jar 140 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-discovery.jar 75 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-fileupload.jar 67 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-lang.jar 240 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/commons-logging.jar 52 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces-comps.jar 3.16 MB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces-facelets.jar 596 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/icefaces.jar 1.24 MB
- WEB-INF/lib/jsf-api-1.2.jar 355 kB
- WEB-INF/lib/jsf-impl-1.2.jar 837 kB
- WEB-INF/web.xml 4 kB
- index.xhtml 0.4 kB
- welcomeICEfaces.xhtml 4 kB
- 21 kB
- Arran Mccullough
- Case14096Example/build.xml 3 kB
- Case14096Example/.../ant-deploy.xml 2 kB
- Case14096Example/.../build-impl.xml 80 kB
- Case14096Example/.../faces-config.NavData 0.2 kB
- Case14096Example/.../ 0.5 kB
- Case14096Example/.../ 0.6 kB
- Case14096Example/.../ 4 kB
- Case14096Example/nbproject/project.xml 0.9 kB
- Case14096Example/src/conf/MANIFEST.MF 0.0 kB
- Case14096Example/src/.../support/ 0.1 kB
- Case14096Example/src/.../ 0.1 kB
- Case14096Example/web/index.xhtml 0.4 kB
- Case14096Example/web/.../context.xml 0.1 kB
- Case14096Example/web/.../faces-config.xml 0.7 kB
- Case14096Example/web/WEB-INF/web.xml 4 kB
- Case14096Example/.../welcomeICEfaces.xhtml 4 kB
- All
- Comments
- History
- Activity
- Remote Attachments
- Subversion
Note that the EE 3.3 version of the component does not have this issue, possible it was previously resolved but not backported to EE 1.8.2?
r51516: removed unnecessary offsets when calculating submenu height on the page, since the height is already correctly calculated from the parent submenu
It was a different issue.
Testing notes: please test with all supported browsers.
Arturo Zambrano
added a comment - - edited r51516: removed unnecessary offsets when calculating submenu height on the page, since the height is already correctly calculated from the parent submenu
It was a different issue.
Testing notes: please test with all supported browsers.
Verified ICEfaces 1.8.2 trunk r51524 using attached test case. Tomcat 8, MS Edge, IE 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, FF 47, Chrome 57.
Liana Munroe
added a comment - Verified ICEfaces 1.8.2 trunk r51524 using attached test case. Tomcat 8, MS Edge, IE 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, FF 47, Chrome 57.
Attached test case to reproduce the issue.