package com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.servlet; import; import; import; import; import javax.servlet.ServletConfig; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import com.icesoft.faces.application.ProductInfo; import com.icesoft.faces.async.render.RenderManager; import com.icesoft.faces.env.Authorization; import com.icesoft.faces.util.event.servlet.ContextEventRepeater; import com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.common.Configuration; import com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.common.FileLocator; import com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.common.MimeTypeMatcher; import com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.common.Request; import com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.common.Server; import com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.common.standard.NotFoundHandler; import com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.core.DisposeBeans; import com.icesoft.faces.webapp.http.core.ResourceServer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.icesoft.util.IdGenerator; import com.icesoft.util.MonitorRunner; import com.icesoft.util.Properties; import com.icesoft.util.SeamUtilities; import com.icesoft.util.ServerUtility; public class MainServlet extends HttpServlet { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MainServlet.class); private static final CurrentContextPath currentContextPath = new CurrentContextPath(); static { final String headless = "java.awt.headless"; if (null == System.getProperty(headless)) { System.setProperty(headless, "true"); } } private PathDispatcher dispatcher = new PathDispatcher(); private ServletContext context; private MonitorRunner monitorRunner; private MessageServiceClient messageServiceClient; private String localAddress; private int localPort; private String blockingRequestHandlerContext; private boolean detectionDone = false; public void init(ServletConfig servletConfig) throws ServletException { super.init(servletConfig); context = servletConfig.getServletContext(); try { final Configuration configuration = new ServletContextConfiguration("com.icesoft.faces", context); final IdGenerator idGenerator = new IdGenerator(context.getResource("/WEB-INF/web.xml").getPath()); final MimeTypeMatcher mimeTypeMatcher = new MimeTypeMatcher() { public String mimeTypeFor(String extension) { return context.getMimeType(extension); } }; final FileLocator localFileLocator = new FileLocator() { public File locate(String path) { URI contextURI = URI.create(currentContextPath.lookup()); URI pathURI = URI.create(path); String result = contextURI.relativize(pathURI).getPath(); String fileLocation = context.getRealPath(result); return new File(fileLocation); } }; monitorRunner = new MonitorRunner(configuration.getAttributeAsLong("monitorRunnerInterval", 10000)); RenderManager.setServletConfig(servletConfig); PseudoServlet resourceServer = new BasicAdaptingServlet(new ResourceServer(configuration, mimeTypeMatcher, localFileLocator)); PseudoServlet sessionDispatcher = new SessionDispatcher(configuration, context) { protected Server newServer(HttpSession session, Monitor sessionMonitor, Authorization authorization) { return new MainSessionBoundServlet(session, sessionMonitor, idGenerator, mimeTypeMatcher, monitorRunner, configuration, getMessageServiceClient(configuration), blockingRequestHandlerContext, authorization); } }; if (SeamUtilities.isSpringEnvironment()) { //Need to dispatch to the Spring resource server dispatcher.dispatchOn("/spring/resources/", resourceServer); } //don't create new session for resources belonging to expired user sessions dispatcher.dispatchOn(".*(block\\/resource\\/)", new SessionVerifier(sessionDispatcher, false)); if (!configuration.getAttributeAsBoolean("synchronousUpdate", false)) { dispatcher.dispatchOn( ".*(block\\/message)", new PseudoServlet() { private PseudoServlet notFound = new EnvironmentAdaptingServlet( new Server() { public void service(final Request request) throws Exception { request.respondWith(new NotFoundHandler("")); } public void shutdown() { // do nothing. } }, configuration, context); public void service(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { if (messageServiceClient != null && messageServiceClient.getMessageServiceAdapter() instanceof HttpAdapter) { ((HttpAdapter)messageServiceClient.getMessageServiceAdapter()).getHttpMessagingDispatcher().service(request, response); } else { notFound.service(request, response); } } public void shutdown() { // do nothing. } }); } //don't create new session for XMLHTTPRequests identified by "block/*" prefixed paths dispatcher.dispatchOn(".*(block\\/)", new SessionVerifier(sessionDispatcher, true)); dispatcher.dispatchOn(".*(\\/$|\\.iface$|\\.jsf|\\.faces$|\\.jsp$|\\.jspx$|\\.html$|\\.xhtml$|\\.seam$|uploadHtml$|/spring/)", sessionDispatcher); dispatcher.dispatchOn(".*", resourceServer); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException(e); } } public void service(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { if (localAddress == null) { localAddress = ServerUtility.getLocalAddr(request, context); localPort = ServerUtility.getLocalPort(request, context); } try { currentContextPath.attach(request.getContextPath()); dispatcher.service(request, response); } catch (SocketException e) { if ("Broken pipe".equals(e.getMessage())) { // client left the page if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Connection broken by client.", e); } else if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("Connection broken by client: " + e.getMessage()); } } else { throw new ServletException(e); } } catch (RuntimeException e) { //ICE-4261: We cannot wrap RuntimeExceptions as ServletExceptions because of support for Jetty //Continuations. However, if the message of a RuntimeException is null, Tomcat won't //properly redirect to the configured error-page. So we need a new RuntimeException //that actually includes a message. if (e.getMessage() != null || e.getClass().getCanonicalName().equals("org.mortbay.jetty.RetryRequest")) { throw e; } throw new RuntimeException("no message available",e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new ServletException(e); } finally { currentContextPath.detach(); } } public void destroy() { monitorRunner.stop();; dispatcher.shutdown(); tearDownMessageServiceClient(); } private synchronized MessageServiceClient getMessageServiceClient( final Configuration configuration) { if (!detectionDone) { if (!configuration. getAttributeAsBoolean("synchronousUpdate", false)) { setUpMessageServiceClient(configuration); } detectionDone = true; } return messageServiceClient; } private boolean isJMSAvailable() { try { this.getClass().getClassLoader(). loadClass("javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory"); return true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException exception) { return false; } } private void setUpMessageServiceClient(final Configuration configuration) { String blockingRequestHandler = configuration.getAttribute( "blockingRequestHandler", "auto-detect"); if (blockingRequestHandler.equalsIgnoreCase("icefaces")) { // Adapt to Push environment. if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { "Blocking Request Handler: " + "\"" + blockingRequestHandler + "\""); } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Adapting to Push environment."); } } else if (blockingRequestHandler.equalsIgnoreCase("push-server")) { // Adapt to Server Push environment. if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { "Blocking Request Handler: " + "\"" + blockingRequestHandler + "\""); } messageServiceClient = new MessageServiceClient( new HttpAdapter(localAddress, localPort, context), currentContextPath.lookup()); testMessageService(configuration); if (messageServiceClient == null) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn( "Push Server not found - the Push Server must be " + "deployed to support multiple asynchronous " + "applications."); } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Adapting to Push environment."); } } } else { if (blockingRequestHandler.equalsIgnoreCase("auto-detect")) { if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { "Blocking Request Handler: " + "\"" + blockingRequestHandler + "\""); } } else { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn( "INVALID Blocking Request Handler: " + "\"" + blockingRequestHandler + "\" - " + "Using \"auto-detect\""); } } // Auto-detect environment. boolean isJMSAvailable = isJMSAvailable(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("JMS API Available: " + isJMSAvailable); } if (isJMSAvailable) { messageServiceClient = new MessageServiceClient( new JMSAdapter(context), currentContextPath.lookup()); testMessageService(configuration); } if (messageServiceClient == null) { messageServiceClient = new MessageServiceClient( new HttpAdapter(localAddress, localPort, context), currentContextPath.lookup()); testMessageService(configuration); } if (messageServiceClient == null) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn( "Push Server not found - the Push Server must be " + "deployed to support multiple asynchronous " + "applications."); } if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) {"Adapting to Push environment."); } } } if (messageServiceClient != null) { try { // todo: make message selector static to avoid instantiating // the message handler messageServiceClient. subscribe( MessageServiceClient.PUSH_TOPIC_NAME, new DisposeViewsHandler().getMessageSelector()); messageServiceClient.start(); ContextEventRepeater. setMessageServiceClient(messageServiceClient); } catch (Exception exception) { // todo: log some message messageServiceClient = null; blockingRequestHandlerContext = null; } } } private void tearDownMessageServiceClient() { if (messageServiceClient != null) { try { messageServiceClient.stop(); } catch (MessageServiceException exception) { LOG.error( "Failed to close connection due to some internal error!", exception); } } } private void testMessageService(final Configuration configuration) { String blockingRequestHandlerContext = configuration.getAttribute( "blockingRequestHandlerContext", "push-server"); MessageHandler acknowledgeMessageHandler = new AbstractMessageHandler( new MessageSelector( new Equal( new Identifier(Message.MESSAGE_TYPE), new StringLiteral("Presence")))) { public void handle(final Message message) { if (message instanceof TextMessage) { String text = ((TextMessage)message).getText(); int begin, end; begin = 0; end = text.indexOf(";"); if (end != -1 && text.substring(begin, end). equals("Acknowledge")) { String product = text.substring( begin = end + 1, end = text.indexOf(";", begin)); String primary = text.substring( begin = end + 1, end = text.indexOf(";", begin)); String secondary = text.substring( begin = end + 1, end = text.indexOf(";", begin)); String tertiary = text.substring( begin = end + 1, end = text.indexOf(";", begin)); String releaseType = text.substring( begin = end + 1, end = text.indexOf(";", begin)); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { "Push Server detected: \"" + product + " " + primary + "." + secondary + "." + tertiary + (releaseType.equals("") ? "" : " " + releaseType) + "\""); } if (!primary.equals("x") && !ProductInfo.PRIMARY.equals("x")) { if (!primary.equals(ProductInfo.PRIMARY) || !secondary.equals(ProductInfo.SECONDARY)) { if (LOG.isWarnEnabled()) { LOG.warn( "ICEfaces / Push Server version " + "mismatch! - " + "Using \"" + ProductInfo.PRODUCT + " " + ProductInfo.PRIMARY + "." + ProductInfo.SECONDARY + "." + "x\" " + "with \"" + product + " " + primary + "." + secondary + ".x\" " + "is not recommended."); } } } messageServiceClient.removeMessageHandler( this, MessageServiceClient.PUSH_TOPIC_NAME); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { "Using Push Server " + "Blocking Request Handler"); } } } } }; try { // throws MessageServiceException messageServiceClient.subscribe( MessageServiceClient.PUSH_TOPIC_NAME, acknowledgeMessageHandler.getMessageSelector()); messageServiceClient.addMessageHandler( acknowledgeMessageHandler, MessageServiceClient.PUSH_TOPIC_NAME); // throws MessageServiceException messageServiceClient.start(); Properties messageProperties = new Properties(); messageProperties.setStringProperty( Message.DESTINATION_SERVLET_CONTEXT_PATH, blockingRequestHandlerContext); // throws MessageServiceException messageServiceClient.publishNow( "Hello", messageProperties, "Presence", MessageServiceClient.PUSH_TOPIC_NAME); this.blockingRequestHandlerContext = URI.create("/").resolve(blockingRequestHandlerContext + "/"). toString(); } catch (MessageServiceException exception) { // todo: log some message messageServiceClient.removeMessageHandler( acknowledgeMessageHandler, MessageServiceClient.PUSH_TOPIC_NAME); try { // throws MessageServiceException messageServiceClient.unsubscribe( MessageServiceClient.PUSH_TOPIC_NAME); } catch (MessageServiceException e) { // do nothing. } messageServiceClient = null; } } //todo: factor out into a ServletContextDispatcher private static class CurrentContextPath extends ThreadLocal { public String lookup() { return (String) get(); } public void attach(String path) { set(path); } public void detach() { set(null); } } }