The following configuration parameters, from Appendix B of the Developer's Guid, have been added, removed, or modified in this release:

com.icesoft.faces.doJSFStateManagement, default value = false [This may not apply to the next release depending on how we proceed]

The original purpose of this parameter was to provide proper integration with Seam. Before ICEfaces supported state saving, Seam users would need to set this parameter to true to ensure that the Seam's StateManager was properly invoked so that page-scoped variables were retained. Now that state saving is actively supported by the ICEfaces framework and components, this parameter is used to turn on and off state saving for all environments The default setting is false. However, ICEfaces attempts to detect Seam integration automatically and, if Seam is detected, this state saving setting defaults to true to support legacy configurations.

com.icesoft.faces.openAjaxHub, default value = false

The Open Ajax hub is a effort to standardize JavaScript functionality in the browser so that multiple client side frameworks can operate freely in the same page without conflict. Setting this parameter to true instructs the ICEfaces framework to include the openajax.js file in each ICEfaces page.

com.icesoft.faces.standardRequestScope, default value = false [This may not apply to the next release depending on how we proceed]

The behaviour of the standardRequestScope parameter has been slightly modified. The default value is false but, since the Seam environment requires that this be true, the ICEfaces framework checkes for Seam integration and sets standardRequestScope to true if Seam is detected.

com.icesoft.faces.compressResources, default value = true [The discussion of resource compression occurs in the Appendix as well as in the Configuration Reference - Compress Resources secction.]

The compressResources setting is used to tell the ICEfaces framework whether or not to compress (i.e. gzip) internal resources that are served directly by the framework. This includes theme stylesheets, images, etc. Some browsers can have difficulty with compression (notably IE 6) and compression can be redundant for resources that are already compressed. As of this release, ICEfaces applies a list of mime-types to exclude from compression, even if the value is set to true. This list includes:

If you wish to override or supplement this list and provide your own mime-types to be excluded from compression, use the com.icesoft.faces.compressResourcesExclusions parameter.

com.icesoft.faces.compressResourcesExclusions, default value = image/gif image/png image/jpeg image/tiff application/pdf application/zip application/x-compress application/x-gzip application/java-archive video/x-sgi-movie audio/x-mpeg video/mp4 video/mpeg

This parameter is used to override or supplement the default list of mime-types that are excluded from compression by ICEfaces. The compressResourcesExclusions parameter takes a space delimited list of mime types for which compression will not be applied. Please note that if you use this parameter, you are overriding the default list of mime-types that ICEfaces excludes by default. If you want to add a new mime-type to the list, then you'll need to include the entire list in addition to the additional mime-type(s) you want to exclude.

The section will become part of the Configuration Reference section of the Developer's Guide.


The ContextEventRepeater implements both the HttpSessionListener and ServletContextListener interfaces and is designed to forward relevant servlet events to different parts of the ICEfaces framework. These events are typically of interest for gracefully and/or proactively keeping track of valid sessions and allowing for orderly shut down as well as for internal communication purposes.

It is typically configured by default as part of icefaces.jar/META-INF/include.tld as:


However, for application servers that don't support configuring listeners using the .tld, you need to include this listener in the web.xml document of your application.