Release Notes - ICEpush - Version 3.0.1 - HTML format


  • [PUSH-135] - Repeated requests sent when server responds with empty responses
  • [PUSH-145] - remove logging INFO MainServlet not found in application scope: java.lang.NullPointerException
  • [PUSH-165] - fileEntry progress not pushed/pulled properly
  • [PUSH-166] - Ajax Push no longer functions and LocalPushGroupManager queue maximum size reached is seen in the logs


  • [PUSH-86] - Autodetect the application server to determine the JMS properties to be used (follow-up)
  • [PUSH-141] - Separate ICEpush core
  • [PUSH-147] - Update the servlet-api.jar in the ICEpush repository

New Feature

  • [PUSH-164] - Adaptive reconnect timeout

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