- [ICE-1755] - outputLink incorrectly encodes space as "+" in path
- [ICE-6812] - panelPopup autoCenter mispositions menuPopup within a panelTooltip
- [ICE-9583] - Stuck threads reported with WeakHashMap.get() on Facelets classes
- [ICE-9604] - fileEntryListener/rowSelectListener validation fails
- [ICE-9627] - Deadlock during session invalidation
- [ICE-9804] - CLONE - Deadlock on Session invalidation/logout on WebSphere
- [ICE-9836] - Classpath.getAlternativeJarFile(...) causes Bad file descriptor under WebSphere 8.5
- [ICE-9842] - ClassCastException thrown when loading non-ICEfaces pages
- [ICE-10305] - ice:panelCollapsible - Expanded panel sets inline padding
- [ICE-10355] - update commons-fileupload library to v1.3.1 for security fix for ice:inputFile
- [ICE-10410] - Component Showcase image preloading fails on Chrome for missing images
- [ICE-10412] - Component-showcase Google Maps missing controls
- [ICE-10553] - Revert Draggable position when Escape key is pressed while dragging
- [ICE-10622] - IE11 specific issues with samples/compat/component-showcase
- [ICE-10699] - ice:panelGroup revert feature doesn't position elements correctly when using dragGhost or ghosting
- [ICE-10492] - ice:inputRichText - IE11 Support
- [ICE-10708] - ice:selectInputText arrow keys selection not working (IE11)
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