Type: Task
Status: Open
Priority: Major
Resolution: Unresolved
Affects Version/s: 2.0-Alpha2
Fix Version/s: None
Component/s: Samples
Environment:ICEpush, Spring Integration
Spring Integration provides messaging for Spring applications. The chat example should support Spring Integration.
When using the message-broker config tag, a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping is installed that by default maps all incoming DispatcherServlet requests to the Spring-managed MessageBroker using a /*path pattern. The default mapping can be overridden by providing one or more mapping child elements. If you want to provide your own HandlerMapping bean configuration, you can disable the default using the disable-default-mapping attribute of the message-broker tag. The order of the installed SimpleUrlHandlerMapping can be set (for complex scenarios where multiple handler mapping types are installed in the same context) using the mapping-order attribute.
<flex:mapping pattern="/messagebroker/*" />