The problem turns out not to be push-related at all, but is an interaction issue between the demo page and the Android container. Firstly, the analysis is complicated by HTMLFieldSet being serialized as "undefined" elements in the form POST. In addition, the demo requires the distinction between two submit buttons. This requires the technique as in the "Buttons" demo page due to the ice.upload invocation.
The problem was likely not detected previously due to the fact that Cloud Push does not work with the iOS container and ICEmobile-SX use causes the stock browser serialization to be used (which does distinguish between different buttons automatically).
The problem turns out not to be push-related at all, but is an interaction issue between the demo page and the Android container. Firstly, the analysis is complicated by HTMLFieldSet being serialized as "undefined" elements in the form POST. In addition, the demo requires the distinction between two submit buttons. This requires the technique as in the "Buttons" demo page due to the ice.upload invocation.
The problem was likely not detected previously due to the fact that Cloud Push does not work with the iOS container and ICEmobile-SX use causes the stock browser serialization to be used (which does distinguish between different buttons automatically).