  1. ICEfaces-EE
  2. IPCK-392

Issue with setting the width of the RichDataTextColumn


    • Assignee Priority:


      There are some issues when setting a width for the RichDataTextColumn object.

      Test Case scenario - There is a RichDataGrid component with 3 columns. The first column is set to be hidden or shownByDefault=false. The two other columns have their width set to 300px.

      There is some different behavior depending on if the first column is hidden and what version of ICEfaces (2.0 vs 3.0).

      If the first column is hidden:
       - ICEfaces EE 2.0 - The widths do get applied to the columns although this isn't shown in the rendered CSS.
       - ICEfaces EE 3.0 - The widths are not set on the columns. Columns get the default 100px widths.

      If the first column is visble:
       - ICEfaces EE 2.0 - The widths get set for all columns, even though the first column does not have its width set. Looking at the rendered source, the first two columns have their width set to 300px, but the last one still gets set to 300px.
       - ICEfaces EE 3.0 - The widths get set for the first two columns and the last one has the default width. This gets rendered the same as in 2.0 but since the last column does not render with a width it gets set to the default.

        19 kB
        Arran Mccullough
        8.82 MB
        Arran Mccullough


        Arran Mccullough created issue -
        Arran Mccullough made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Salesforce Case [5007000000LGNK3]
        Arran Mccullough made changes -
        Attachment [ 14255 ]
        Attachment [ 14256 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s EE-3.1.0.GA [ 10326 ]
        Fix Version/s EE-3.0.0.GA_P01 [ 10328 ]
        Assignee Priority P3
        Philip Breau made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Philip Breau made changes -
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Status Resolved [ 5 ] Reopened [ 4 ]
        Philip Breau made changes -
        Status Reopened [ 4 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s EE-3.2.0.BETA [ 10571 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]


          • Assignee:
            Philip Breau
            Arran Mccullough
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
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