  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-9480

New ace:inPlaceEntry component


    • Type: New Feature New Feature
    • Status: Open
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Affects Version/s: None
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: ACE-Components
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      ICEfaces 3.x, ACE comps
    • Affects:
      Documentation (User Guide, Ref. Guide, etc.), Sample App./Tutorial


      Create a new ace:inPlaceEntry component.

      This component would accept two facets:
      - A "view" or "output" facet, which would contain one or more child components that are rendered when the component is in output/view mode (default). Generally, these components would be output in nature, like h:outputText with formatting.
      - An "edit" facet, which would contain one or more child components that are rendered when the component is in "edit" mode. These components would be typical entry style components used for editing values, such as ace:textEntry, ace:dateTimeEntry, ace:sliderEntry, etc.

      - In addition, this component would render a border around the view/output facet and an edit control which would only be visible when the mouse was hovered over the component, or the user had set focus (via tabbing) on the component. This control would be used to toggle the component into edit/view mode dynamically by the user.


        Ken Fyten created issue -
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Assignee Nils Lundquist [ nils.lundquist ]
        Fix Version/s 3.4 [ 10770 ]
        Affects Documentation (User Guide, Ref. Guide, etc.),Sample App./Tutorial [ 10003, 10001 ]
        Assignee Priority P2 [ 10011 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Assignee Nils Lundquist [ nils.lundquist ]
        Assignee Priority P2 [ 10011 ]
        Fix Version/s 4.0.BETA [ 10770 ]


          • Assignee:
            Ken Fyten
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue


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