  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-8599

Icefaces3 DeltaSubmit Regressions sample apps - auction, showcase - unresponsive controls


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 3.2
    • Fix Version/s: EE-3.2.0.BETA, EE-3.2.0.GA, 3.3
    • Component/s: Framework
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      Icefaces3/trunk revision# 31003
    • Assignee Priority:


      auction:clicking on 'Bid' button doesn't render bid functionality, clicking on expansion buttons for items details doesn't display itemDetails, clicking on columns to sort rows doesn't render sorting functionality
      Note: No Server log errors displayed when trying to perform these tests manually

      To reproduce:
      -Build auction from ...svn/ossrepo/icefaces3/trunk/icefaces using 'Deltasubmit' configuration (check web xml file)
      -deploy app onto tomcat6
      -run app on any of the named web browsers
      -click on 'Bid' button to bid (Notice that there is no response occuring from the button click)
      -click on 'Expand' button to display item details (Notice that there is no response from expanding the row)
      -click on any of the table header columns to sort table rows (Notice that sorting functionality doesn't work at all)

      showcase: For all components, unable to go to component pages with the exception of components' overview pages (Only accessible page for components)
      Note: No Server log errors displayed when trying to perform these tests manually

      To Reproduce:
      -Build showcase from ...svn/ossrepo/icefaces3/trunk/icefaces using 'Deltasubmit' configuration (check web xml file)
      -deploy onto tomcat7
      -run showcase in Firefox15
      -go to Accordion > Pane change
      -Notice that the link won't direct you to the Pane Change page
      (All overview pages works fine, only sub pages don't).


        Repository Revision Date User Message
        ICEsoft Public SVN Repository #31592 Thu Oct 18 14:40:50 MDT 2012 mircea.toma ICE-8599 Append hidden input element instead of the cloned source element to the delta submit form when the source element is a form to avoid form nesting.
        Files Changed
        Commit graph MODIFY /icefaces3/trunk/icefaces/core/src/main/javascript/submit.js


          • Assignee:
            Mircea Toma
            Jerome Ruzol
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue


            • Created: