  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-6851

The {{command}} replacement strategy doesn't work with WebSphere 7 Portal stateful URLs


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 2.0.1, EE-2.0.0.GA
    • Fix Version/s: 2.1-Beta, 3.0, EE-2.0.0.GA_P01
    • Component/s: Bridge, Framework
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      ICEfaces 2 WebSphere Portal 7


      Initially logging into a WebSphere 7 portal page results in this kind of URL:!ut/p/b1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Q90LSrKLwpOLS4G8kMyc1PzS0tAiqLM4p3dHT1MzH0MDCxMLQwNPB09Qs3Ngl2MDFzN9cP1o_AqCTSBKjDAARwN9P2w2VyQ4eVR7qioCAABx-t_/dl4/d5/L3dJdyEvUUd3SndBQSEvNEprRS9aNl8wMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMDBBMA!!/

      In the resulting page markup, the ICEpush configuration info looks like this:

      <span id="A1176:v2fvcng6_icepush">
          <script type="text/javascript">ice.push.configuration.contextPath="/";ice.push.configuration.uriPattern="/wps/myportal/Home/chat/!ut/p/b1/hY7BjoIwFEW_xS94r1KgLhslClQHBgHphhBSlYkK0xYS_fpxJrM13t1NTu49IKEi_oL4jLgMDiBvzdSdGtv1t-by26VXo5c4iVi6NF5_uhjmdLeKaEQQCZQg_5Dlmm-oLxCZywiGfJP7XraaY0r_AXwRjm8WuAO7QOteZ8qYp9W-u6p-tM_nSvov1dgcSq1MP-pWQdo27VkJNalL0pwUZHBAWmdfbIhFMBoMrNgH1JLOxqKlk8iHD1IttrEZtlleF_e7Lh9OkRc85TZ6fNN0NoOrjIKjqsIf4eBGPw!!/";

      Using Firebug, you can see that the initial request to get the bridge.js file is:!ut/p/b1/dY3NjoIwFEafxSe4t1AoLBskIlQHhilIN6QhjTIRYaCS6NPPT2br2X3JyXdAQRN66LOQOQ6cQN302p-17cebvv5u5bfo524uIo9mu3cP95IetylNCSKBGtSfEu14QplADLyA4J4nkvnl1kHu_gv4Ao5wTMbB_Dw1ir1MBQ7Us1nG-9wZKDrdXYwwq7nm-myghBPStvwMpkzE9wVjKz5iaklvM9HRVcjpjTThIVumQynb6vGY66dbyYoX3KbPL1psNjCoNHGHiH8DL6JcbQ!!/

      The original request to get icepush.js is:!ut/p/b1/dY3LDoIwFES_xS-4t1AoLBtAECqiiEo3pGkaxYioIN_vI26d3ZmczICE2nfQZT6zLDiAvKqpPaqx7a_q8mHpNugWdiECh2bxxsFFRfMwpSlBJLAH-VWCmCeUCUTP8QgueFIxtwwt5PZPwD_hCHnSd-a9VEv298qzYP8wQ_98aANrrfTJCDOZS6GOBko4IG3Ks3fLRPQcMBrFNqIjacdMaDqJ6rYidbP8dFlgr3A53Mngk918HfHY5PNQz6CTaWJ3AX8BX6pOrQ!!/

      The ICEpush config on the page is set to use the same URL as it did for getting the ICEfaces bridge:

      <span id="A1176:v2fvcngc_icepush">
          <script type="text/javascript">ice.push.configuration.contextPath="/";ice.push.configuration.uriPattern="/wps/myportal/Home/chat/!ut/p/b1/dY3NjoIwFEafxSe4t1AoLBskIlQHhilIN6QhjTIRYaCS6NPPT2br2X3JyXdAQRN66LOQOQ6cQN302p-17cebvv5u5bfo524uIo9mu3cP95IetylNCSKBGtSfEu14QplADLyA4J4nkvnl1kHu_gv4Ao5wTMbB_Dw1ir1MBQ7Us1nG-9wZKDrdXYwwq7nm-myghBPStvwMpkzE9wVjKz5iaklvM9HRVcjpjTThIVumQynb6vGY66dbyYoX3KbPL1psNjCoNHGHiH8DL6JcbQ!!/";

      On Liferay, the ICEpush configuration results in something like this:

      <span id="A9944:v9iqym2_icepush">
          <script type="text/javascript">/*&lt;![CDATA[*/ice.push.configuration.contextPath="/";ice.push.configuration.uriPattern="/web/guest/chat1?_chatice2portlet_WAR_chatportlet_INSTANCE_nh4N_javax.faces.resource={{command}}&amp;p_p_cacheability=cacheLevelPage&amp;p_p_col_count=1&amp;p_p_col_id=column-1&amp;p_p_id=chatice2portlet_WAR_chatportlet_INSTANCE_nh4N&amp;p_p_lifecycle=2&amp;p_p_mode=view&amp;p_p_state=normal";/*]]&gt;*/

      It seems likely that this is all related to WebSphere Portal 7's own support for back button history in that a bunch of state is encoded into URLs. Not sure it's playing nice with what we want to do. For example, we replace the {{command}} marker dynamically in the URL but once it's been encoded by WebSphere, it's no longer there to be replaced.

      From WebSphere's own documentation:

      "Considerations for administrators about Back button behavior
      The Back button behavior of the portal is internally achieved by coding the combination of all states into the address of the view, that is into its URL. Thus each different combination of navigational states results in a different URL. This has the following additional advantages:

      Users can set separate bookmarks for different states of the same page.
      You can have pages cached by configuring specific requirements. For more details about how to do this, refer to Caching.
      However, make no assumptions about the syntax or structure of portal URLs. For example, you cannot create valid URLs by simple concatenation. This will automatically be true if only the public API is used to create URLs. The latest version of the IBM Portlet API Javadoc is always available from the WebSphere Portal Product Documentation page."


        Mircea Toma added a comment -

        Applied fixes to ICEpush 2.0.x maintenance branch and then updated icepush.jar in ICEfaces 2.0.x maintenance branch.

        Mircea Toma added a comment - Applied fixes to ICEpush 2.0.x maintenance branch and then updated icepush.jar in ICEfaces 2.0.x maintenance branch.
        Mircea Toma added a comment -

        Normalized context path specified in web.xml so that the context path sent to the bridge will always start with one '/'.

        Mircea Toma added a comment - Normalized context path specified in web.xml so that the context path sent to the bridge will always start with one '/'.
        Mircea Toma added a comment -

        Apply ICEpush changes also to ICEpush 2.0.x maintenance branch and then update the icepush.jar lib into the ICEfaces 2.0.x maintenance branch.

        Mircea Toma added a comment - Apply ICEpush changes also to ICEpush 2.0.x maintenance branch and then update the icepush.jar lib into the ICEfaces 2.0.x maintenance branch.
        Mircea Toma added a comment -

        Make ICEpush code to gracefully handle the configured context path. The code should work when the context path contains a '/' at the beginning of the path or not.

        Mircea Toma added a comment - Make ICEpush code to gracefully handle the configured context path. The code should work when the context path contains a '/' at the beginning of the path or not.
        Mircea Toma added a comment -

        Specified the content type when creating JSF resources to avoid generating warning messages for unknown file extensions.

        Mircea Toma added a comment - Specified the content type when creating JSF resources to avoid generating warning messages for unknown file extensions.
        Mircea Toma added a comment -

        Applied fixes to 2.0.x-maintenance branch.

        Mircea Toma added a comment - Applied fixes to 2.0.x-maintenance branch.
        Mircea Toma added a comment -

        Created resources on the server side for each type of request that ICEpush can send to the server. Use the URIs of these resources to configure ICEpush bridge. Modified ICepushResourceHandler to properly handle all the request types. Removed ICEpushListenResource since the URI pattern strategy is not used anymore. Also the created resources are backed by existing resource files to avoid any complaints from JSF framework.

        Mircea Toma added a comment - Created resources on the server side for each type of request that ICEpush can send to the server. Use the URIs of these resources to configure ICEpush bridge. Modified ICepushResourceHandler to properly handle all the request types. Removed ICEpushListenResource since the URI pattern strategy is not used anymore. Also the created resources are backed by existing resource files to avoid any complaints from JSF framework.
        Mircea Toma added a comment - - edited

        Changed ICEpush code to use URIs constructed on the server side for the blocking connection, add-group-memeber, remove-group-member, notify and create-push-id commands. These URIs are defined in ICEpush JS configuration instead of constructing the URIs from a URI pattern (by just replacing the command token).

        Mircea Toma added a comment - - edited Changed ICEpush code to use URIs constructed on the server side for the blocking connection, add-group-memeber, remove-group-member, notify and create-push-id commands. These URIs are defined in ICEpush JS configuration instead of constructing the URIs from a URI pattern (by just replacing the command token).


          • Assignee:
            Mircea Toma
            Deryk Sinotte
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue


            • Created: