  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-2515

Incorrect rendering of dataPaginator images and columns in dataTable


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Affects Version/s: 1.7DR#2
    • Fix Version/s: None
    • Component/s: None
    • Labels:
    • Environment:
      ICe 1.7DR2, JRE 1.6.02, TOMCAT 6.0.14


      Issue on paginator with images as in showcase.

      On IE&Firefox (WinXP/P4) is almost OK but sometimes first access to modified xhtml file get incorrect page view. I see doubled count of columns.

      The same app on server (Win 2003/P3) get on client IE (WinxXP/P4) similar behavior with new one. Sometimes access to xhtml page get arrow buttons from datapaginator in incorrect places. After reloading page looks OK.

      I save "bad" page and correct page and their content are different. Images from class="iceGphImg" are located in next table tag instead in tag A class="iceCmdLnk"
      1. error.PNG
        11 kB
      2. error2.PNG
        10 kB

        Issue Links


          Asdasdasdasd Sdasd created issue -
          Asdasdasdasd Sdasd made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Attachment error.PNG [ 10763 ]
          Asdasdasdasd Sdasd made changes -
          Attachment error2.PNG [ 10764 ]
          Asdasdasdasd Sdasd added a comment -

          I found the solution. It may be not a bug but sometimes got strange behavior.

          The problem occurs when dwo diferent files with dataTable has binding to the same bean.

          for example

          file1.xhtml with <ice:DataTable binding="#{tableBean> (...)
          file2.xhtml with other view of the same data as <ice:DataTable binding="#{tableBean> (...)

          When switching between file1 and file2 users see on file2 additional columns and headers from file1 .

          Asdasdasdasd Sdasd added a comment - I found the solution. It may be not a bug but sometimes got strange behavior. The problem occurs when dwo diferent files with dataTable has binding to the same bean. for example file1.xhtml with <ice:DataTable binding="#{tableBean> (...) file2.xhtml with other view of the same data as <ice:DataTable binding="#{tableBean> (...) When switching between file1 and file2 users see on file2 additional columns and headers from file1 .
          Sendewelt Sendewelt added a comment -

          hi folks,

          im using 1.6.2 and has also problems with falsly rendered paginator after browser refresh or other navigation.

          we found out, that its always the first subtag of <ice:dataPaginator which causes the problems. so, we decided to include a dummy tag which has rendered set to false. now all works fine. see code below.

          <ice:dataPaginator id="scroll_1" for="searchHitszufzgg" fastStep="10" pageCountVar="pageCount" pageIndexVar="pageIndex" paginator="true" paginatorMaxPages="9" renderFacetsIfSinglePage="false" rendered="#

          {!empty search.hits}

          " binding="#


          <!-- dummy tag -->
          <ice:outputText rendered="#


          " value="bugfix wenn refresh button gedrückt wird, wird das erste childtag des paginators fehlerhaft gerendert, also haben wir hier ein dummytag stehen um diesen fehler zu umgehen ">

          <f:facet name="first" >
          <ice:graphicImage url="/css/xp/css-images/arrow-first.gif" style="border:none;"/>

          <f:facet name="last">
          <ice:graphicImage url="/css/xp/css-images/arrow-last.gif" style="border:none;" />

          <f:facet name="previous">
          <ice:graphicImage url="/css/xp/css-images/arrow-previous.gif" style="border:none;" />

          Sendewelt Sendewelt added a comment - hi folks, im using 1.6.2 and has also problems with falsly rendered paginator after browser refresh or other navigation. we found out, that its always the first subtag of <ice:dataPaginator which causes the problems. so, we decided to include a dummy tag which has rendered set to false. now all works fine. see code below. <ice:dataPaginator id="scroll_1" for="searchHitszufzgg" fastStep="10" pageCountVar="pageCount" pageIndexVar="pageIndex" paginator="true" paginatorMaxPages="9" renderFacetsIfSinglePage="false" rendered="# {!empty search.hits} " binding="# {search.paginator} "> <!-- dummy tag --> <ice:outputText rendered="# {false} " value="bugfix wenn refresh button gedrückt wird, wird das erste childtag des paginators fehlerhaft gerendert, also haben wir hier ein dummytag stehen um diesen fehler zu umgehen "> </ice:outputText> <f:facet name="first" > <ice:graphicImage url="/css/xp/css-images/arrow-first.gif" style="border:none;"/> </f:facet> <f:facet name="last"> <ice:graphicImage url="/css/xp/css-images/arrow-last.gif" style="border:none;" /> </f:facet> <f:facet name="previous"> <ice:graphicImage url="/css/xp/css-images/arrow-previous.gif" style="border:none;" /> </f:facet>
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Link This issue duplicates ICE-4157 [ ICE-4157 ]
          Ken Fyten made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          Resolution Duplicate [ 3 ]


            • Assignee:
              Asdasdasdasd Sdasd
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