Tested under Glassfish V2-b41 and Tomcat 6.0
Auction Monitor - Works for both
Address Demo - Works for both
Component Showcase - Works for both but exhibits some styling issues, changing theme to royale puts a blue overlay on top of everything, big space between navigation tree and component content area, top header image is broken up.
basicInputText - Works for both
dragdrop1 - Works for both
dragdrop2 - Page loads ok but cannot drag the grey area, throws no errors, same for both
effects1 - Works for both
effects2 - Same as dragdrop2, page shows, components aren't functional
tiles - Shows everything except the body of the timezone part, throws error
timezone1 to 7 - Works for both
The recent checkin allows the standard component-showcase to work on glassfish-v2-b41 with the server-provided jsf implementation (the fix involves special-cases for how parameters are passed to JSP tags, so it may have indirect dependencies on Sun code).
However, it currently exhibits the following problems: