It happens when the calendar is popped up over an <ice:outputProgress/> component.
Also see the attached screenshot.
- 4.38 MB
- Neil Griffin
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/build.xml 4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../build.xml 3 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../build-impl.xml 35 kB
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- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../project.xml 0.4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/Edit.jspx 0.7 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/Help.jspx 0.7 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../context.xml 0.3 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../MANIFEST.MF 0.1 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ant-deploy.xml 2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../build-impl.xml 50 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ 0.4 kB
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- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../private.xml 0.2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ 4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../project.xml 4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/View.jspx 8 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../FileUploaderManagedBean.class 6 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ActionOutcomes.class 0.4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../EmailAddressValidator.class 2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../FacesMessageUtil.class 4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../PhoneNumberConverter.class 4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../PortalPreferenceUtil.class 2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ResourceBundleUtil.class 1 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../JobApplication.class 2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../PortalUser.class 1 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ResumeUploader.class 0.8 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ 0.2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ 0.7 kB
- cal.bmp
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- screenshot-1.jpg
- 28 kB
- screenshot-2.jpg
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Adnan, can you check the CSS for the calendar component?
I have tested it with the head and did not find any problem, please see the attached snapshot. This bug was fixed on April 26 2007 revision # 13656.
Neil did you see this problem with the latest build as well?
Indeed, I am still seeing it with the latest trunk revision.
Are you testing with xp-portlet.css or xp.css?
Please see
for the latest xp-portlet.css that I submitted today for incorporation into the trunk.
Thank you,
Additionally, my component has the styleClass="portlet-form-input-field" attribute value set. Not sure if that makes a difference.
<ice:selectInputDate id="dateOfBirth" alt="#
{JobApplicationMsgs.dateOfBirth}" autocomplete="true" popupDateFormat="#
{Edit.preferences['dateFormat']}" renderAsPopup="true" required="true" style="" styleClass="portlet-form-input-field" value="#{JobApplication.dateOfBirth}"><f:convertDateTime pattern="#{Edit.preferences['dateFormat']}
Hi Neil,
You are right, I can reproduce it with progressBar component underneath. Let me see it.
This bug has been fixed. revision 14154
There is a big change in styleClass names, we will update the xp-portlet.css as soon as testing will be completed.
I did an svn-update (now at revision 14155) and am seeing improvement, but the bug is still there.
Here is the improvement: When I select an item other than "-- Select -" from the <ice:selectOneMenu/>, and then select the "- Select --" item again, the required validator fires.
Unfortunately though, when I am viewing the page for the first time, and simply tab-out of the dropdown, or simply hit the "Submit" button, the required validator does not fire.
Thanks in advance,
OK, I just tried this one (ICE-1610) and see a lot of improvement with FireFox (but still some lines showing through). However, please checkout the attached IE7 screenshot-2 image. It shows that only the numbers are opaque, and that the cells inbetween the numbers are transparent. (See red arrow pointing to scrollbar underneath).
Hi Neil,
Please see the attached snapshot with IE7, There are the following 3 components underneath the calendar and it renders well with IE 7:
I think there are some changes in my local xp.css that need to be check-in after testing. That is why you are not able to see proper rendering.
I would request you to test it again after style related check-in.
After I received the new xp-portlet.css that was fixed in
it looks all better in IE7 under Liferay. Thanks!
Neil verified it.
Area circled in red shows opacitiy and/or z-order problem