The server-initiated rendering API provided by ICEfaces-1.6-DR5, as outlined here:
And as implemented in the ICEfaces <ice:inputFile/> tutorials:
Does not work with Liferay 4.3.0 (pre-release).
The way it manifests itself, is that although the progressListener method is called in the bean, the browser's DOM is not updated with the percent done.
I'll attach an example portlet shortly.
And as implemented in the ICEfaces <ice:inputFile/> tutorials:
Does not work with Liferay 4.3.0 (pre-release).
The way it manifests itself, is that although the progressListener method is called in the bean, the browser's DOM is not updated with the percent done.
I'll attach an example portlet shortly.
- 4.36 MB
- Neil Griffin
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/Edit.jspx 0.7 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/Help.jspx 0.7 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../context.xml 0.3 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../MANIFEST.MF 0.1 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/View.jspx 8 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../FileUploaderManagedBean.class 6 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ActionOutcomes.class 0.4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../EmailAddressValidator.class 2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../FacesMessageUtil.class 4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../PhoneNumberConverter.class 4 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../PortalPreferenceUtil.class 2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ResourceBundleUtil.class 1 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../JobApplication.class 2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../PortalUser.class 1 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ResumeUploader.class 0.8 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ 0.2 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../ 0.7 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../faces-config.xml 3 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../geronimo-web.xml 1 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../backport-util-concurrent.jar 343 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../commons-beanutils.jar 184 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../commons-collections.jar 546 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../commons-digester.jar 107 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../commons-fileupload.jar 52 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../commons-validator.jar 136 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../el-api.jar 24 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../icefaces.jar 644 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../icefaces-comps.jar 629 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../jsf-api.jar 356 kB
- sample-jsf-icefaces-sun-portlet/.../jsf-impl.jar 778 kB
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