  1. ICEfaces
  2. ICE-1459

RowSelector doesn't correctly work with two portlets


    • Type: Bug Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Affects Version/s: 1.6DR#3
    • Fix Version/s: 1.6.1
    • Component/s: Framework
    • Labels:
    • Environment:


      Contribution from Dan Leahu:

      RowSelector doesn't correctly work with two portlets because the method generated at onclick event on the row through JScript doesn't consider the current table we're in. We've fixed that by changing into TableRenderer, this:

           rowSelectionFunctionName = "ice_tableRowClicked" + rowSelectorNumber(facesContext);

      into this:

      public String textToJSMethodName(String text) {
             return text.replaceAll(":","_");

      rowSelectorId = textToJSMethodName(uiComponent.getClientId(facesContext));
      rowSelectionFunctionName = "ice_tableRowClicked" + rowSelectorId;

      The method rowSelectorNumber(...) which looks like this:

      private int rowSelectorNumber(FacesContext context){
             Map m = context.getExternalContext().getRequestMap();
             String key = RowSelector.class.getName() + "-Selector";
             Integer I = (Integer)m.get(key);
             int i = 0;
             if(I != null){
                 i = I.intValue();

             I = new Integer(i);
             m.put(key, I);
             return i;

      contains String key = RowSelector.class.getName() + "-Selector" which never gets an actual value as the key isn't set anywhere. We think that RowSelector should namespace its parameters by using ids which are sure to be unique hence the modifications we've done.


        Philip Breau created issue -
        Philip Breau made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Assignee Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Assignee Priority P2
        Assignee Ken Fyten [ ken.fyten ] Adnan Durrani [ adnan.durrani ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s 1.6DR#4 [ 10060 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Assignee Priority P2
        Assignee Adnan Durrani [ adnan.durrani ] Deryk Sinotte [ deryk.sinotte ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s 1.6 [ 10031 ]
        Fix Version/s 1.6DR#4 [ 10060 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s 1.7 [ 10080 ]
        Fix Version/s 1.6 [ 10031 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Assignee User Deryk.sinotte [ deryk.sinotte ] Jack van Ooststroom [ jack.van.ooststroom ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s 1.6.1 [ 10070 ]
        Fix Version/s 1.7 [ 10080 ]
        Assignee Priority P2
        Assignee Jack van Ooststroom [ jack.van.ooststroom ] Mark Collette [ mark.collette ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Fix Version/s 1.7 [ 10080 ]
        Fix Version/s 1.6.1 [ 10070 ]
        Mark Collette made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] Resolved [ 5 ]
        Fix Version/s 1.6.1 [ 10070 ]
        Fix Version/s 1.7 [ 10080 ]
        Resolution Fixed [ 1 ]
        Ken Fyten made changes -
        Status Resolved [ 5 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        Assignee Priority P2
        Assignee Mark Collette [ mark.collette ]


          • Assignee:
            Philip Breau
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            • Created: